Command-Line Options

Napatech Link-Capture™ Software and WinPcap-NT Installation Guide for Windows

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Software Installation Guide
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.11

These command-line options are available for the WinPcap-NT Installer:

Option Description Default
/VERSION Displays WinPcap and installer software versions and exit. Starts installation wizard.
/S Uses silent installation (no dialogs). The letter S must be uppercase. Uses dialog interface.
/APP32 Installs files for 32-bit applications. Installs files for 64-bit applications.
/NPFSTART Starts the NPF driver service immediately. After a system startup, local Administrators’ privileges are required to start the first WinPcap application. Starts the NPF driver service at system startup. After a system startup, any user can start the first WinPcap application.
/ALL Installs all components (corresponding to the options /EXAMPLES /DOCS /SRCS). Other component options are ignored. Installs default components: WinPcap Binaries and WinPcap API
/DOCSONLY Installs only WinPcap Documentation. Installs default components.
/NOBIN Does not install WinPcap Binaries. Installs WinPcap Binaries.
/NODEV Does not install Developer's Pack. Installs WinPcap API.
/EXAMPLES Installs WinPcap Examples. Does not install WinPcap Examples.
/DOCS Installs WinPcap Documentation. Does not install WinPcap Documentation.
/SRCS Installs WinPcap Source Code. Does not install WinPcap Source Code.

Installs debug build of WinPcap-NT DLLs with logging of debug, warning, and error messages.

This option has no equivalent dialog options.

Installs clean build of WinPcap-NT DLLs without logging of debug, warning, and error messages.
/D=<Path> Changes the installation directory for WinPcap non-system files. Must be the last option. The letter D must be uppercase. The path value must be an absolute path, for example C:\opt\winpcap %ProgramFiles%\WinPcap or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\WinPcap.