Ticket Fields

Using the Napatech Support Portal

Content Type
User Guide

A ticket has a number of fields that are used to manage the ticket workflow.

Ticket fields

To submit a ticket, whether on the Support Portal or by email, you need only fill in two fields:
  • Subject
  • Message
A few more optional fields are available when you submit a ticket on the Support Portal:
  • Department
  • Ticket type
  • Product category

A number of other fields are displayed when you view and update existing tickets on the Support Portal.

Napatech Support will take care of most of the ticket fields. The most important fields are:
Field Description
Ticket ID The Ticket ID identifies the ticket. The Support Portal assigns a unique Ticket ID to the ticket when it is created.

The Ticket ID is also called Ticket hash or Ticket number.

Subject Use the Subject field to describe the problem or request.
In ticket notification emails, the Ticket ID is included in the email Subject header. When you reply to a ticket notification email, the Ticket ID is used to add your reply to the correct ticket.
Note: Do not change or remove the Ticket ID from the Subject in ticket notification emails.
Department You can use the Department field to indicate the general nature of your inquiry.
Status The Status field is used to track the ticket progress through the ticket workflow, from New to Closed through the conversation between you and Napatech Support.
Ticket type You can use the Ticket type to suggest a workflow for handling the ticket.
Product category You can use the Product category to relate the ticket to a category of Napatech products.

The Product category is also called Ticket category.

Submitted by This field identifies the client that submitted the ticket, or for which Napatech Support created the ticket.

The Submitted by field is also called Created by.

Creation date This field records the date and time of ticket creation.

The Creation date is also called Created on.

Assigned to The Assigned to field identifies the Napatech Support staff member currently assigned to the ticket.


The default department is Technical Support. Use Technical Support for inquiries related to the functionality and use of Napatech products, or General for general service and support requests.


As the ticket moves through the ticket workflow, the Status field tracks the progress of the conversation:
Status Description
New The ticket has just been created.
NT Pending The customer has responded to a reply from Napatech Support.
Client Pending Napatech Support has responded to a reply from the customer.
Debugged A product defect or failure has been investigated and confirmed by the Napatech Development team, and a fix is scheduled.
Closed The issue has been resolved or is deemed a non-issue.

Ticket type

The most appropriate workflow for handling a ticket depends on the nature of the inquiry. For example, the workflow for an Information Request in comparison with a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) is very different.

Use the ticket types as follows:
Ticket Type Description
Incident Default ticket type. Napatech Support can select a more specific ticket type if required. You can also use this for inquiries that are not directly related to Napatech products
Information Request For inquiries about current functionality of Napatech products.
RMA Request an RMA number. The RMA procedure is described in DN-0285.
Feature Request For inquiries regarding functionality not currently supported by Napatech products.
Problem Report Report Napatech product defects and failures.

Product category

For inquiries related to Napatech products, you can indicate the product category:
  • NAC

  • SmartNIC