Link-Security™ Software Demo 3

Getting Started with Napatech Link-Security™ Software

Napatech IPU
Content Type
Getting Started
Capture Software Version
Link-Security™ Software 1.0

This demonstrates TLS/TCP offloading onto the IPU.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have:

About this task

Demo setup showing that traffic is encrypted, and encryption/decryption and reverse-proxying are performed on the IPU.

In this demo, traffic is encrypted, and encryption/decryption and reverse-proxying are performed on the IPU.
Note: The following prompt is used to indicate which part of the system to run the provided commands on.
  • test#: The server where the test script is executed.


Run the test script.
For example:
cd /opt/ipu_workload_tls/src
python3 -m standalone.main --proxy soc –-tls --deploy-run -c 2000
  • --proxy soc: Run reverse-proxying on the IPU.
  • –-tls: TLS is enabled.
  • --deploy-run: Deploy network/services and run workload.
  • -c 2000: 2000 connections that the wrk tool uses.
An output example:
== Cache warm up ==
├── duration:     600s
├── connections:  500
└── threads:      104
== Performance measure ==
├── duration:     120s
├── connections: 2000
└── threads:        4
Throughput bps
           1.66 GBs
======= Host Summary Report =======
    all load avg:  0.02 %
    all load std:  0.03 %
Network interfaces:
    enp15s0 RX
        throughput rx avg:                0 bps
        throughput rx std:                0 bps
    enp15s0 TX
        throughput tx avg:                0 bps
        throughput tx std:                0 bps
======= SoC Summary Report =======
    all load avg: 78.52 %
    all load std:  0.20 %
Network interfaces:
    ens6f5 RX
        throughput rx avg:       81.099.498 bps
        throughput rx std:          461.405 bps
    ens6f5 TX
        throughput tx avg:   15.107.791.309 bps
        throughput tx std:       41.812.873 bps
--------------------------- Captured stdout teardown ---------------------------
[15:57:01.477] host         | INFO     | Stopping Server on Host
[15:57:01.478] host         | DEBUG    | Thread-145 started
[15:57:02.325] host         | INFO     | Run|➜ pkill nginx || true; rm -rf /tmp/content-cache1 /tmp/error1.log /tmp/access1.log
[15:57:03.268] host         | INFO     | OK |⮠ 
[15:57:03.270] host         | INFO     | Stopping Cache Filler
[15:57:03.271] host         | DEBUG    | Thread-146 started
[15:57:04.100] host         | INFO     | Run|➜ pkill
[15:57:04.171] host         | INFO     | OK |⮠ 
[15:57:04.174] soc          | INFO     | Stopping Proxy on SoC
[15:57:04.174] soc          | DEBUG    | Thread-147 started
[15:57:05.032] soc          | INFO     | Run|➜ pkill nginx || true; rm -rf /tmp/content-cache1 /tmp/error1.log /tmp/access1.log /root/nginx-soc
[15:57:05.853] soc          | INFO     | OK |⮠