Preparing the Host and the Client

Getting Started with Napatech Link-Security™ Software

Napatech IPU
Content Type
Getting Started
Capture Software Version
Link-Security™ Software 1.0

Use this information to install required tools on the host and the client.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have:
  • Disabled the firewall on the host and the client.
    systemctl disable --now firewalld

About this task

Note: The following prompts are used to indicate which part of the system to run the provided commands on.
  • host#: The server where the IPU is installed.
  • client#: The remote server where user traffic is generated.


  1. On the host, install required tools.
    host# dnf install nginx sysstat
    host# dnf install python3-pip
    host# pip install numpy
    The following tools are required.
    • nginx: Two nginx instances are executed on the host: one as a web server, the other as a proxy. When the test script is executed, the web server script is copied using scp from the test server to the destination path /usr/share/nginx/ on the host. The test script ensures that the correct nginx configuration is used. The various configuration files are stored in the nginx/ directory.
    • sar : Used for logging. The tool is included in the sysstat package.
    • numpy: Installed using pip.
    • nstat and netstat: Typically installed on most Linux systems.
  2. On the client, install required tools.
    client# dnf install lua-devel luajit-devel
    client# git clone
    client# cd wrk
    client# make
    client# cp wrk /usr/local/bin/
    client# dnf install sysstat
    The following tools are required.
    • sar: Used for logging. The tool is included in the sysstat package.
    • wrk: It is an HTTP benchmarking tool. The customized query.lua script is used with wrk. The test script copies the query.lua script to the <WRK_PATH>/scripts/ directory. The query.lua script can be found in the wrk/directory of the Link-Security™ Software package.
      Note: WRK_PATH is configured in See Step 7 in Configuring the Test Server.
      Note: The setup is tested with wrk 4.2.
    • nstat and netstat: Typically installed on most Linux systems.