Running Demo Scenarios

Getting Started with Napatech Link-Security™ Software

Napatech IPU
Content Type
Getting Started
Capture Software Version
Link-Security™ Software 1.0

Use this information to test and verify the TLS/TCP offloading capabilities of the Napatech IPU.

4 demo scenarios

4 different scenarios are demonstrated as shown in the following table.
Demo Scenario HTTP encryption Reverse-proxying Note
1 Plain text IPU TCP offloading
2 Plain text Host Reference
3 Encrypted text IPU TLS/TCP offloading
4 Encrypted text Host Reference
In the demo scenarios 1, reverse-proxying is performed on the IPU to demonstrate TCP offloading, while in the demo scenario 2, reverse-proxying is carried out on the host for comparison. In the demo scenario 3, both encryption/decryption and reverse-proxying are managed on the IPU to demonstrate TLS/TCP offloading, while in the demo scenario 4, these tasks are done on the host for comparison. Caching is enabled by default in all demo scenarios.
To run the corresponding demo scenarios, the test script must be executed with the appropriate parameters. See the following help output for reference:
cd /opt/ipu_workload_tls/src
python3 -m standalone.main --help
usage: python -m standalone.main --proxy soc --tls --deploy-run -c 1000

This script runs TLS workloads for proxy on SoC or Host. IPs to client, host
and soc needs to be configured in 'config.ini'. Interface names are configured
in '../common/'. Its assumed that the running server has root
access over ssh to all IPs in 'config.ini'

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -prx {soc,host}, --proxy {soc,host}
                        Where to run proxy
  -t, --tls             TLS On, default is TLS Off
  -r, --run             Run workload setup, requires a previously deployed
  -dp, --deploy         Deploy network and services
  -dpr, --deploy-run    Deploy network, services and run workload
  -del, --delete        Delete network interfaces previously deployed
  -c N                  Number of connections in wrk tool
  --dry-run             Simulation of workload, all commands will be prefixed
                        with 'echo'

Dont forget to configure IPs to remotes in 'config.ini'
To delete the deployed infrastructure, run the following command.
cd /opt/ipu_workload_tls/src
python3 -m standalone.main --delete
This clears the network configuration on both the IPU and the host including the ARP configuration.
The test framework collects results and logs in a separate directory for each run, which can be found in the following directory on the test server: