Two mandatory arguments to the --program command are --ntimg and --ini followed by a path and filename of an .ntimg container package (or, for PCIe Gen1 SmartNICs, an .img binary file) and a text string, respectively. The text string is used to tag or identify the upload. The user is free to enter any string; it is used solely for information purposes.
FPGA images are always uploaded to the secondary bank of a SmartNIC, unless the advanced --force-bank argument or the --ntimg2 argument is used.
After programming you must use the --switch command to try the new bank.
Command example with no verification
This is an example of a --program command with no verification.
/opt/napatech3/bin/imgctrl -a 0 -p -g --ini jmh --ntimg 200-9541-47-07-00.ntimg
Output example with no verification
This is an example of an output from the --program command in Command example with no verification.
... Adapter group upgrade list: ADAPTER 0: PCI:0000:42:00.0 DEVICE:NT50B01-01-NEBS RUNNING FPGA:200-9541-35-20-0000 Group Erasing................... 100% done Group Writing................... 100% done Adapter group upgrade done Note: You can inspect the upload result through the Bank Contents section using the --query mode. To try the new image, remember to switch bank using the --switch mode. See --help for more information. Upgrade process complete
Command example with verification
This is an example of a --program command with verification.
/opt/napatech3/bin/imgctrl -a 0 -p -g -v --ini jmh --ntimg 200-9541-47-07-00.ntimg
Output example with verification
This is an example of an output from the --program command in Command example with verification.
... Adapter group upgrade list: ADAPTER 0: PCI:0000:42:00.0 DEVICE:NT50B01-01-NEBS RUNNING FPGA:200-9541-35-20-0000 Group Erasing................... 100% done Group Writing................... 100% done ADAPTER 0: Verifying............ 100% done Adapter group upgrade done Note: You can inspect the upload result through the Bank Contents section using the --query mode. To try the new image, remember to switch bank using the --switch mode. See --help for more information. Upgrade process complete