Upgrade the FPGA Image on an NT SmartNIC

Handling FPGA Images

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
User Guide
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.11


  1. To check the state of SmartNIC 0, write: $ imgctrl --adapter 0 --query --verbose
    An example of an output is:
    Adapter 0:
         PCI SLOT        : 0000:42:00.0
         PCI DEVICE ID   : 01D5
         PCI LANES       : x16
         ADAPTER TYPE    : NT50B01-01-NEBS-2x25-E3-FF-ANL 2x25Gb SFP28 platform
         EXT ID VER      : 0
         FPGA IDENT      : 200-9541-35-20-0000
         64BIT CODE      : 0x000000C825452314
         ITEM CODE       : 200
         PRODUCT CODE    : 9541
         VERSION CODE    : 35
         REVISION CODE   : 20
         BUILD CODE      : 0
         BUILD TIME      : 0x5FCF41EC
         BUILD DATE      : Tue Dec  8 09:05:48 2020 (UTC/GMT)
         DESCRIPTION     : 2x25/10Gb, capture
         PRODUCT CODE    : 9541
         VERSION         : 35.20
         DOWNLOADED BY   : ntope
         DOWNLOAD DATE   : Thu Nov 11 20:03:08 2021
         SOURCE FILENAME : 200-9541-35-20-00-201208-1005.ntimg
         SOURCE DATE     : Tue Dec  8 13:19:35 2020
         PRODUCT CODE    : 9541
         VERSION         : 35.20
         DOWNLOADED BY   : ntope
         DOWNLOAD DATE   : Thu Nov 11 20:03:08 2021
         SOURCE FILENAME : 200-9541-35-20-00-201208-1005.ntimg
         SOURCE DATE     : Tue Dec  8 13:19:35 2020
         IDENT           : AVR NT50B01
         VERSION         : 3.5s
         VERSION NAME    : 3.5.s.20-712da - Sep 11 2020 - 15:26:25
         RUNNING BANK    : 0
         SOURCE FILENAME : atxmega128a1u.NT50B01.bank0.hex
         DOWNLOADED BY   : ntope
         DOWNLOAD DATE   : Thu Nov 11 20:03:26 2021
         IMAGE STATE     : NEUTRAL (code 0)
         PRIMARY BANK    : 0
         RUNNING BANK    : 0

    The SmartNIC state must be NEUTRAL.

  2. To upgrade the image, write (for instance):
    /opt/napatech3/bin/imgctrl -a 0 -p --ini jmh --ntimg 200-9541-47-07-00.ntimg
    Note: Interrupting the programming process, for instance using Ctrl+c, will invalidate the bank. In such a case, simply restart the programming process.
    An example of an output is:
    Adapter upgrade commencing..
    Writing FPGA bank 1
      Erasing................... 100% done
      Writing................... 100% done
      Verifying................. 100% done
    Done writing FPGA bank 1
    Note: You can inspect the upload result through the Bank1 Contents
          section using the --query mode. To try the new image, remember
          to switch bank using the --switch mode. See --help for more information.
    Upgrade process complete


Note: Upgrading an FPGA image does not automatically switch to the new image. Use the --switch command to try the new image (see Switch Image on an NT SmartNIC).
Note: A SmartNIC can be upgraded with two different images by also using the --ntimg2 argument.