Container package
- A capture .ntimg container package
- A capture/replay .ntimg container package
- An index file
The content of the index file is fixed. It controls that the capture image is in image bank 0 and the capture/replay Gbit/s image is in image bank 1. It also controls which image is the primary image by default.
Default image
By default the SmartNIC runs on the image in bank 0, which is the capture image.
imgctrl --adapter 1 --query imgctrl v3.8.1.1-b53ef (Sep 5 2019 08:21:15) (Logfile: /tmp/imgctrl.log) Scanning for Napatech adapters.. Adapter 1: PCI SLOT : 0000:83:00.0 PCI DEVICE ID : 0145 PCI LANES : x8 ADAPTER TYPE : NT40E3_4_PTP PCI Express Gen3 4x10Gb SFP+ platform RUNNING FPGA: FPGA IDENT : 200-9537-22-03-0000 DESCRIPTION : 4x10Gb, capture FPGA BANK0: PRODUCT CODE : 9537 VERSION : 22.03 DOWNLOADED BY : kje FPGA BANK1: PRODUCT CODE : 9502 VERSION : 10.07 DOWNLOADED BY : kje SUPPORTCHIP INFO: NT40E3_4_PTP : v3.5p FPGA IMAGE STATE: IMAGE STATE : NEUTRAL (code 0) PRIMARY BANK : 0 RUNNING BANK : 0
Switching to capture/replay operation
$ imgctrl --switch --adapter 1 $ imgctrl --switch --confirm --adapter 1
The --switch command forces the SmartNIC to run on the capture/replay image. The --switch --confirm command changes the primary image to the running image, that is the capture/replay image in image bank 1.
imgctrl --adapter 1 --query imgctrl v3.8.1.1-b53ef (Sep 5 2019 08:21:15) (Logfile: /tmp/imgctrl.log) Scanning for Napatech adapters.. Adapter 1: PCI SLOT : 0000:83:00.0 PCI DEVICE ID : 0145 PCI LANES : x8 ADAPTER TYPE : NT40E3_4_PTP PCI Express Gen3 4x10Gb SFP+ platform RUNNING FPGA: FPGA IDENT : 200-9502-10-07-0000 DESCRIPTION : 4x10Gb, capture FPGA BANK0: PRODUCT CODE : 9537 VERSION : 22.03 DOWNLOADED BY : kje FPGA BANK1: PRODUCT CODE : 9502 VERSION : 10.07 DOWNLOADED BY : kje SUPPORTCHIP INFO: NT40E3_4_PTP : v3.5p FPGA IMAGE STATE: IMAGE STATE : NEUTRAL (code 0) PRIMARY BANK : 1 RUNNING BANK : 1
Style Conventions
Bold typeface is used for names of, for instance, user interface elements and software components.
Italic typeface is used for replaceable text.
Monospaced typeface is used for code, commands and file names.