
Basic Troubleshooting

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
User Guide
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.0

In this document

This troubleshooting guide can help you diagnose and correct common issues.


The purpose of this application note is to provide users with a basic troubleshooting guide. This document only applies to functionality provided by Napatech Software Suite (also referred to as 3GD).


The intended target audience for this document is SmartNIC end users including system integrators.

Further information

Some Napatech tools listed in this document may not be available in the Napatech Software Suite package.

Please note that how to download or how to install the listed tools is not described in this document. Please refer to DN-0449 for more information about Napatech tools. Please contact Napatech Technical Support if you have any further questions regarding the listed tools in this document.