Using the Setup Wizard

Installation and Use of Napatech Link™ Capture Software for Intel® PAC with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA

Content Type
Quick Guide
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.0

The interactive setup_wizard tool walks you through the configuration and restarts ntservice when you save the configuration.


The setup wizard allows you to:
  • Map SmartNIC ports to libpcap interfaces and NTPL streams, merging and load-distributing traffic from the SmartNIC ports to the libpcap interfaces and NTPL streams.

  • Set up transmit capabilities for libpcap interfaces.

  • Select the algorithm used for load distribution. You can, for example, set up load distribution so that each data flow (traffic between a set of IP addresses) appears on one libpcap interface.

  • Change various settings such as synchronization.


You need privileges as root to run the setup_wizard tool.

Running the Setup Wizard tool

Start the setup_wizard tool from the command line:
sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/setup_wizard
setup_wizard attempts to start ntservice if it is not already started:
Napatech driver does not appear to be started.
-> Starting Napatech driver.

Starting NTService (this may take a while)                  [Done]
setup_wizard restarts ntservice to activate the new configuration when you save and exit.
Stopping NTService (this may take a while)
NTService stopped                                           [Done]
Starting NTService (this may take a while)                  [Done]

The Napatech driver has been reconfigured and restarted successfully.

The Setup Wizard user interface

Setup Wizard welcome screen

On pages with several groups of fields, the Tab key moves the focus between the groups. The active group is indicated by a '*' in the upper left corner.

The Left, Right, Up, and Down keys move the focus within a group of fields.

Press the Enter or Space key to select an option. In some cases, the focus moves the next group of fields.

Press the Enter or Space key to open an editable field. Press the Enter key or any navigation key to save the change and close the field. Press the Esc key to cancel changes and close the field.

Available commands are displayed in the bottom area. The shortcut key that runs the command is highlighted.

Some commands are common for all pages in the setup_wizard tool:
Command Action
Quit Quits the configuration without saving changes and without restarting ntservice.
Reset Resets all pages to the default configuration. See Default Configuration for more information.
Help Displays help text.
Prev Displays previous page.
Next Displays next page.
Save and exit Saves the configuration and restarts ntservice.