Selecting 1×40G or 4×10G

Installation and Use of Napatech Link-Capture™ Software for Intel® PAC with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA

Content Type
Quick Guide
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.10

Napatech Link-Capture™ Software offers two different port configurations, 4×10G and 1×40G, for Intel® PAC A10 GX.

AFU image files

The firmware part of Napatech Link-Capture™ Software is packaged as FPGA image files. FPGA image files for Intel® PAC A10 GX are known as AFU (Accelerator Functional Unit) image files. AFU image files can be dynamically loaded to Intel® PAC A10 GX acceleration cards.

Napatech Link-Capture™ Software offers these AFU image files for Intel® PAC A10 GX:
Port configuration AFU filename
4×10G 200-7000-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx-xxxx.egbs
1×40G 200-7001-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx-xxxx.egbs

AFU image files are also known as Green BitStream files and commonly use .gbs as the filename extension. AFU image files for use with Napatech Link-Capture™ Software are encrypted and use .egbs as the filename extension.

During initialization, ntservice reads /opt/napatech3/config/afu.ini and /opt/napatech3/config/ntlicense.key and loads the specified encrypted AFU image files. Your license key is valid for both types of port configuration. See Installing the License Key for Napatech Link-Capture™ Software for information about how to order and install a license key file.

Selecting 4×10G or 1×40G

  1. Backup any previous version of the /opt/napatech3/config/afu.ini file.

    The installation will overwrite any previous versions.

  2. Run the /opt/napatech3/bin/ configuration script to select an AFU image file for each installed Intel® PAC A10 GX:
    sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/
  3. If /opt/napatech3/config/afu.ini already exists, it is displayed. Type Y to confirm reconfiguration.
    OK: 1x40G image found  /opt/napatech3/images/INTEL-A10-1x40/200-7001-12-03-00-180817-1210.egbs
    >>  Configure AFU images for PCI device found in PCI-slot 0000:04:00.0 - ([Y]es/[N]o) ?
  4. If /opt/napatech3/config/afu.ini does not exist, or if you confirm reconfiguration, the script displays bus IDs for the installed Intel® PAC A10 GX SmartNICs and file names for available AFU image files.
    For each Intel® PAC A10 GX, choose whether to select another AFU image file and which one:
    >>  Configure AFU images for PCI device found in PCI-slot 0000:04:00.0 - ([Y]es/[N]o) ? 
    >>  select 4x10G (press 1) or 1x40G (press 2) 
    Here is a sample of the commands and output:
    $ sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/ 
    No afu image configuration file (/opt/napatech3/config/afu.ini) found
    Intel(R) PAC A10 PCI adapter(s) found in following PCI slots
     No  |   PCI slot
     0       0000:04:00.0
    OK: 4x10G image found  /opt/napatech3/images/INTEL-A10-4x10/200-7000-12-02-00-180815-0828.egbs
    OK: 1x40G image found  /opt/napatech3/images/INTEL-A10-1x40/200-7001-12-03-00-180817-1210.egbs
    >>  Configure AFU images for PCI device found in PCI-slot 0000:04:00.0 - ([Y]es/[N]o) ? 
    >>  select 4x10G (press 1) or 1x40G (press 2) 
    OK: 4x10G selected
    OK: afu configuration file, /opt/napatech3/config/afu.ini, created

Example afu.ini file

In this example /opt/napatech3/config/afu.ini file, the 4×10G AFU has been selected for the Intel® PAC A10 GX at PCI bus ID 0000:04:00.0:
# afu.ini
BusId = 0000:04:00.0
# 4x10G:
AfuFile0 = /opt/napatech3/images/INTEL-A10-4x10/200-7000-12-02-00-180815-0828.egbs
# 1x40G:
#AfuFile0 = /opt/napatech3/images/INTEL-A10-1x40/200-7001-12-03-00-180817-1210.egbs