Installing and configuring Suricata for use with Napatech Link-Capture™ Software.
Suricata is an open source intrusion detection and prevention engine.
- To get optimal performance, build Suricata from source with native Napatech support enabled.
- Suricata can be installed from binary packages and use libpcap interfaces to Napatech Link-Capture™ Software.Note: With this option, there is no support for Napatech hardware.
Package-based installation
Identify a suitable precompiled Suricata package for your OS distribution. See Installing and Running libpcap Applications for information about how to install and use package-based applications with Napatech libpcap.
See DN-0428 for more information about configuration of Napatech libpcap.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oisf/suricata-stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install suricata
sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install suricata
See also
- libpcap
- libpcre
- libmagic
- zlib
- libyaml
- make
- gcc
- pkg-config
Building Suricata from source
- Download and extract the Suricata source:
- Run configure to enable Napatech support and prepare for
./configure --enable-napatech --with-napatech-includes=/opt/napatech3/include --with-napatech-libraries=/opt/napatech3/lib make sudo make install-full
- Edit the suricata.yaml file to configure the maximum number of
streams to use:
If you plan to use the load distribution (RSS-like) feature in the SmartNIC, the list should contain the same number of streams as host buffers defined in ntservice.ini:
Napatech : # The Host Buffer Allowance for all streams # (-1 = OFF, 1 - 100 = percentage of the host buffer that can be held back) hba : - 1 # use_all_streams set to "yes" queries the Napatech service for all configured # streams and listen on all of them. When set to "no" the streams config array # is used. use - all - streams : yes # The streams to listen on streams : [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ]
Note: hba is useful only when a stream is shared with another application. When hba is enabled, packets are dropped (i.e. not delivered to Suricata) when the host-buffer utilization reaches the high-water mark indicated by the hba value. This ensures that, even if Suricata is slow with packet processing, the other application still receives all of the packets. If hba is enabled without another application sharing the stream, it results in sub-optimal packet buffering.When setting use-all-streams=yes, Suricata uses all available streams created by the driver ([Advanced multithreaded configuration]). When setting use-all-streams=no, Suricata uses the streams listed in streams: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], in this case the streams from 0 to 7. The number is the stream ID used in the NTPL command.
- Configure Suricata:
For the basic installation, set up the SmartNIC to merge all physical ports into a single stream that Suricata can read from. For this configuration, Suricata handles the packet distribution to multiple threads.
Change these lines in /opt/napatech3/bin/ntservice.ini for best single buffer performance:
TimeSyncReferencePriority = OSTime # Timestamp clock synchronized to the OS HostBuffersRx = [ 1 , 16 , -1 ] # [number of host buffers, Size(MB), NUMA node]
- Stop and restart ntservice after making changes to
sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/ sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/
- Test your setup:
Create a file with the following commands:
Delete=all # Delete any existing filters Assign[priority=0; streamid=0]= all # Assign all physical ports to stream ID 0
Run the commands using the ntpl tool:
sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/ntpl -f <my_ntpl_file>
- Start Suricata:
sudo suricata -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml --napatech --runmode workers
Advanced multithreaded configuration
A more advanced configuration uses the load distribution (RSS - like) capability in the SmartNIC. Create 8 streams and set up the SmartNIC to distribute the load based on a 5-tuple hash. Increasing buffer size minimizes packet loss only if your CPU cores are fully saturated. Setting the minimum buffer size (16MB) gives the best performance (minimize L3 cache hits) if your CPU cores have capacity.
- Modify the ntservice.ini file to increase the number and size of
the host
TimeSyncReferencePriority = OSTime # Timestamp clock synchronized to the OS HostBuffersRx = [8,16,-1] # [number of host buffers, Size (MB), NUMA node]
Note: Setting the NUMA node parameter to -1 causes the driver to allocate from the same NUMA node where the SmartNIC is located. - Stop and restart ntservice after making changes to
sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/ sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/
- Assign the streams to host buffers and configure the load distribution.
The load distribution is set up to support both tunneled and non-tunneled traffic. Create a file that contains these NTPL commands:
Delete=All # Delete any existing filters HashMode[priority=4]=Hash5TupleSorted Assign[priority=0; streamid=(0..7)]= all
- Run the NTPL commands using the ntpl tool:
sudo /opt/napatech3/bin/ntpl -f <my_ntpl_file>
- Run Suricata:
sudo suricata -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml --napatech --runmode workers
Manually configuring NUMA nodes
TimeSyncReferencePriority = OSTime # Timestamp clock synchronized to the OS HostBuffersRx = [8,16,0] # [number of host buffers, Size (MB), NUMA node]
Delete=All # Delete any existing filters Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==0 Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==1 Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==2 Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==3 Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==4 Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==5 Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==6 Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==7 HashMode[priority=4]=Hash5TupleSorted Assign[priority=0; streamid=(0..7)]= all
Host buffers versus stream IDs
Assign[priority=0; streamid=(0..7)]= allThe smallest number of host buffers allocated in ntservice.ini must be 8:
HostBuffersRx = [8,16,-1]
For each stream that is processed the following counters are output in stats.log:
- nt<streamid>.pkts - The number of packets received by the stream.
- nt<streamid>.bytes - The total number of bytes received by the stream.
- nt<streamid>.drop - The number of packets that were dropped from this stream due to buffer overflow conditions.
If hba is enabled, the following counter is also provided:
- nt<streamid>.hba_drop - the number of packets dropped because the host buffer allowance high-water mark was reached.
In addition to counters host buffer utilization is tracked and logged. This is also useful for debugging. Log messages are output for both host buffers and onboard buffers when 25, 50, and 75 percent of utilization is reached. Corresponding messages are output when utilization decreases.
Related links
Suricata site:
Suricata source:
Suricata documentation:
Suricata installation from source:
Suricata binary packages:
Installation guide for Napatech support:
Video guide for Suricata deployment with Napatech: