Filtering UDP Frames

Link-Capture™ Software Getting Started Guide

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Getting Started
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.10

Set up a filter to capture UDP frames.

About this task

It is possible to set up a filter, filtering frames based on the protocol information. This example shows how to set up a filter to capture UDP frames. This figure shows the test setup.

Port 0 of the SmartNIC is connected to the traffic generator.

Port 0 of the SmartNIC is connected to the traffic generator.


  1. Create a file with the following NTPL commands.
    Delete = All
    Assign[StreamId=0] = Layer4Protocol==UDP
    Apply the configuration. For example:
    /opt/napatech3/bin/ntpl -f config.ntpl
    An output example:
    NTPL CMD: Delete = All
    NTPL ID:    0NTPL CMD: Delete = All
    NTPL ID:    0
    NTPL CMD: Assign[StreamId=0] = Layer4Protocol==UDP
    NTPL ID:    3
  2. Start the monitoring tool.
  3. Start throughput.
    /opt/napatech3/bin/throughput -s 0
  4. Transmit 10,000 UDP frames on the traffic generator.
  5. Stop throughput and check the output.
    An output example:
    Throughput:  0 packets @         0 pps,  0 packets dropped,   Wire:     0.000 Mb
    Throughput:  10000 packets @     10000 pps,  0 packets dropped,   Wire:    63.39
    Throughput:  10000 packets @         0 pps,  0 packets dropped,   Wire:     0.00
    Done:  Received: 10000 packets   Wire: 7924585 bytes   Pci: 8084585 bytes   Dropped: 0 packets  0 bytes
    Max throughput:      10000 pps  Wire:    63.396 Mbps  Pci:    64.676 Mbps
    Min throughput:          0 pps  Wire:     0.000 Mbps  Pci:     0.000 Mbps
    Avg throughput:       1000 pps  Wire:     6.339 Mbps  Pci:     6.467 Mbps
    Total throughput:  Received: 10000 packets   Wire: 7924585 bytes   Pci: 8084585 bytes   Dropped: 0 packets  0 bytes
  6. Check the statistics in the monitoring tool.


UDP frames are filtered and delivered to stream 0.