Installing Napatech Link-Capture™ Software

Link-Capture™ Software Getting Started Guide

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Getting Started
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.10

Use the provided script to install Napatech Link-Capture™ Software and the Napatech libpcap.

Before you begin

The following required packages must be installed.

  • Linux kernel source
  • Linux kernel headers
  • GNU make
  • gcc
dnf -y install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) kernel-headers-$(uname -r)
dnf -y install gcc make
dnf -y install elfutils-libelf-devel flex bison

About this task

This shows an example of installing the Napatech Link-Capture™ Software package and the Napatech libpcap


  1. Unpack the Napatech Link-Capture™ Software package.
    tar zxvf ntanl_package_3gd-<version>-linux.tar.gz
    cd ntanl_package_3gd-<version>-linux
    where version is the Napatech Link-Capture™ Software version identifier.
  2. Run the script to install the driver package.
    This will install the driver software, tools, documentation, FPGA images, and optionally a version of libpcap. An output example:
    The Napatech Software Suite is covered by the Napatech Software license
    agreement as described in "NP-0405 Napatech Software license agreement.pdf"
    By installing any part of the software suite you accept the license agreement.
    I accept the license [Y]es/[N]o:
    Type Y to accept the license.
    Note: You will be prompted to install the Napatech libpcap. Select the libpcap version if you would like to use libpcap with Napatech SmartNICs.
    [ Extract, compile and install Napatech libpcap ]
    Select libpcap version to install:
    1) libpcap-1.10.0
    2) libpcap-1.9.1
    3) libpcap-1.8.1
    4) Don't install libpcap
    An output example after the installation is complete:
    #                 Installation completed successfully                #
    #            See /tmp/nt_driver_3gd.log for a full install log       #
    [ Install the Image control application ]
    [ Install FPGA images ]
    [ Package installation done... ]
    Note: Install the additional dependencies manually if the driver installation requires them.

    The Napatech Link-Capture™ Software package and the Napatech libpcap are installed.