Statistics Stream
The statistics features are based on the concept of a statistics stream, described in DN-0449, Documentation, Napatech Software Suite Documentation, Main Features, Statistics.
The API is described in detail in DN-0449, Documentation, Napatech Software Suite Documentation, Streams, Statistics Stream.
Code examples
Two statistics code examples are included in DN-0449.
streamidstatistics_example.c shows the procedure needed to get stream ID statistics that can be correlated with what the application receives.
stat_example.c is an example on how to use the statistics stream interface in the API.
The monitoring tool is described in DN-0449, Documentation, Tools, monitoring.
The monitoring tool is an interactive tool used to monitor various states, events and statistics:
- Port statistics
- Sensor monitoring
- Color statistics
- Time synchronization
- IEEE 1588 PTP
- Stream statistics
Style Conventions
Bold typeface is used for names of, for instance, user interface elements and software components.
Italic typeface is used for replaceable text.
Monospaced typeface is used for code, commands and file names.