Configuration of Driver and Devices

4GA Software Installation for Windows

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Software Installation Guide
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.2

When NTService is started or restarted, the initial configuration is loaded from a configuration file, ntservice.ini. You can use another configuration file, setup.ini, to control automatic configuration of NTService and WinPcap-NT devices.

Configuration of the Napatech driver

When NTService is started or restarted, the initial configuration is loaded from a configuration file, ntservice.ini.

If ntservice.ini does not exist when NTService starts, a new ntservice.ini with a default configuration of all installed SmartNICs is created by NTService.

Editing the configuration file

The default configuration might not be optimal for your purposes. To change the configuration, you can edit ntservice.ini and restart NTService.

However, you can also specify more suitable parameter values in another configuration file, setup.ini. If ntservice.ini does not exist and setup.ini exists when ntservice starts, the parameters specified in setup.ini will be used to populate a new NTService.ini and create or overwrite ntpcap.ini (the configuration file for WinPcap-NT).

Configuration file format

The format of the configuration file is described in DN-0449 and in the file ntservice.ini.txt, which is created if not present when NTService starts.

For more information about parameters supported by setup.ini, please refer to the file %NAPATECH3_ROOT%\config\example_setup.ini, which will be installed if you install WinPcap-NT.

Configuration file pathname

The default configuration filename is %NAPATECH3_ROOT%\config\ntservice.ini. This default can be overridden by a registry entry (see Registry entries for configuration) and, for console mode, by a command-line option (see Options for Console Mode).