Napatech SmartNICs can be configured to output a PPS pulse representing the phase (second tick) of the time stamp clock. The PPS output enables synchronization of third-party equipment to the SmartNIC time stamp clock. PPS provides reference for phase and frequency synchronization of the connected third-party equipment.
This figure shows a system configuration where an NT SmartNIC outputs a PPS signal on the
external time synchronization connector enabling synchronization of third-party equipment to
the SmartNIC time stamp clock.
Note: On NT200A02 and NT200A01 SmartNICs the RJ45 and SMA
ports on the external time synchronization connector are replaced by separate RJ45 and SMA
time synchronization connectors.
ntservice.ini configuration
This ntservice.ini code line configures the NT SmartNIC for the setup in Illustration.
TimeSyncConnectorExt1 = PpsOut