Hash migration
This section illustrates how a hashing NTPL example from Green Bay 2 matching on an IPv4 address can be converted to a Link™ Capture Software 12.4 NTPL example with the equivalent functionality.
Green Bay 2
This is the NTPL example from Green Bay 2.
IPMatchList[ListType=OuterIP] = IPv4Addr == [] HashMode[IPMatch=SrcOrDstIP; InnerLayer3Type = IPV4; MaskNo=1; TupleSwap=IPMatchLast] = HashInner2Tuple HashMask[HashWord0=[FF.FF.FF.FF]; HashWord4=[]] = MaskNo == 1 Assign[StreamId=(0..7)] = (IPMatch == SrcIP,DstIP and TunnelType == GTPv1-U-GPDU)
Link™ Capture Software 12.4
This is a converted Link™ Capture Software 12.4 NTPL example.
Define SourceIP = Field(Layer3Header[12]/32) Define DestIP = Field(Layer3Header[16]/32) Define InnerSourceIP = Field(InnerLayer3Header[12]/32) Define InnerDestIP = Field(InnerLayer3Header[16]/32) Define UplinkHash = Hash(HashWord0_3=InnerSourceIP) Define DownlinkHash = Hash(HashWord0_3=InnerDestIP) Define UplinkFilter = Filter(TunnelType == GTPv1-U-GPDU AND(KeyMatch(SourceIP)==1 AND KeyMatch(DestIP)==ANY)) Define DownlinkFilter = Filter(TunnelType == GTPv1-U-GPDU AND(KeyMatch(DestIP)==1 AND KeyMatch(SourceIP)==ANY)) IPMatchList = IPv4Addr == [] Assign[Hash=UplinkHash; StreamId=(0..7)] = UplinkFilter Assign[Hash=DownlinkHash; StreamId=(0..7)] = DownlinkFilter