Errorcode | Enum | Error string |
0x00000000 | NT_SUCCESS | Success |
0x20000000 | NT_STATUS_TIMEOUT | Timeout |
0x20000001 | NT_STATUS_TRYAGAIN | Resource temporarily busy, try again |
0x20000002 | NT_STATUS_NO_DATA | No data |
0x20000003 | NT_STATUS_NO_MORE_DATA | No more data available |
0x20000004 | NT_STATUS_END_OF_FILE | EOF indicator |
0x20000005 | NT_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown error |
0x20000006 | NT_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal error |
0x20000007 | NT_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Memory allocation failed |
0x20000008 | NT_ERROR_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE | Port out of range |
0x20000009 | NT_ERROR_IPPROTOCOL_OUT_OF_RANGE | IpProtocol out of range |
0x2000000A | NT_ERROR_ADAPTER_OUT_OF_RANGE | Adapter out of range |
0x2000000B | NT_ERROR_HOSTBUFFER_RX_OUT_OF_RANGE | RX host buffer out of range |
0x2000000C | NT_ERROR_HOSTBUFFER_TX_OUT_OF_RANGE | TX host buffer out of range |
0x2000000D | NT_ERROR_HOSTBUFFER_INVALID_TYPE | Invalid host buffer type |
0x2000000E | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND | Command is not supported for this adapter |
0x2000000F | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SEQUENCE | The sequence, in which the commands are issued, is illegal on this adapter |
0x20000010 | NT_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND | Unknown command |
0x20000011 | NT_ERROR_FAILED_GETTING_FASTLOCK | Failed to get fastlock |
0x20000012 | NT_ERROR_FAILED_RELEASING_FASTLOCK | Failed to release fastlock |
0x20000013 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_NOT_STARTED | NT Service is not started |
0x20000014 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_STREAM_POINTER | Stream pointer invalid |
0x20000015 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_STREAM_HANDLE | Stream handle invalid |
0x20000016 | NT_ERROR_WRONG_STREAM_TYPE | Wrong stream type |
0x20000017 | NT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_TIMESTAMP_TYPE | Illegal time stamp type |
0x20000018 | NT_ERROR_TIMESTAMP_VS_HDR_MISMATCH | Detected a time stamp type setting and packet descriptor type setting mismatch |
0x20000019 | NT_ERROR_FAILED_SETTING_TIMESTAMP_TYPE | Failed to set time stamp type |
0x2000001A | NT_ERROR_FAILED_TO_START_LOGGING | Failed to start logging |
0x2000001B | NT_ERROR_FAILED_TO_READ_DRIVER_LOG | Failed to read driver log |
0x2000001C | NT_ERROR_FAILED_TO_CLEAR_DRIVER_LOG | Failed to clear driver log |
0x2000001D | NT_ERROR_DRIVER_ERROR | Driver error |
0x2000001E | NT_ERROR_OS_IPC_RMID | Unable to mark IPC area as destroyed |
0x2000001F | NT_ERROR_OS_NULL_SHM | NULL pointer passed as shared memory |
0x20000020 | NT_ERROR_OS_CREATE_DMA | Failed to create DMA buffer |
0x20000021 | NT_ERROR_OS_REQUEST_DMA | Failed to request DMA buffer |
0x20000022 | NT_ERROR_OS_RELEASE_DMA | Failed to release DMA buffer |
0x20000023 | NT_ERROR_OS_DMA_STILL_MAPPED | Failed to release DMA buffer - need to unmap before releasing |
0x20000024 | NT_ERROR_OS_INVALID_ADAPTER | OS Function called with invalid adapter number |
0x20000025 | NT_ERROR_OS_IOCTL_INVALID_PARAM | Ioctl called with invalid parameter |
0x20000026 | NT_ERROR_OS_DMA_MAP | Failed to map DMA memory |
0x20000027 | NT_ERROR_OS_COMM_CREATE_INVALID_TYPE | CommCreate: invalid eType |
0x20000028 | NT_ERROR_OS_ACCEPT_CLIENT_TYPE | CommAccept: invalid eType |
0x20000029 | NT_ERROR_OS_RECV_MSG_SIZE | CommRecv: Message is too big |
0x2000002A | NT_ERROR_OS_RECV_MSG_CONN_LOST | CommRecv: Connection lost while receiving |
0x2000002B | NT_ERROR_OS_FLOCK_OVERFLOW | Too many locks in set |
0x2000002C | NT_ERROR_OS_FLOCKEND_INVALID_PARAM | FastLockEnd called with invalid parameter |
0x2000002D | NT_ERROR_OS_FLOCK_AQUIRE | Failed to acquire FastLock |
0x2000002E | NT_ERROR_OS_FLOCK_RELEASE | Failed to release FastLock - CRITICAL ERROR!! |
0x2000002F | NT_ERROR_OS_IRQ_EVENT_WAIT_PARAM | IRQEventWait called with invalid parameter |
0x20000030 | NT_ERROR_OS_NAMED_EVENT_INVALID_PARAM | NamedEvenCreate called, but named events not yet created |
0x20000031 | NT_ERROR_OS_NAMED_EVENT_MAXED_OUT | NamedEvenCreate called, but no more events available |
0x20000032 | NT_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_SUPPORTED | Configuration not supported |
0x20000033 | NT_ERROR_CONFIG_CONFLICT | Configuration conflict |
0x20000034 | NT_ERROR_LOOPBACK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Loopback not implemented |
0x20000035 | NT_ERROR_LOOPBACK_ARG_ILLEGAL | Loopback argument illegal |
0x20000036 | NT_ERROR_LOOPBACK_CONFLICT | Loopback configuration conflict |
0x20000037 | NT_ERROR_IFG_CONFIG_ERROR | IFG min or max configuration error |
0x20000038 | NT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_TIMESTAMP_VALUE | Illegal time stamp value |
0x20000039 | NT_ERROR_OPERATION_TIMEOUT | An operation timed out |
0x2000003A | NT_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED | An operation failed |
0x2000003B | NT_ERROR_32_64_BIT_MISMATCH | A 32bit/64bit mismatch between ntservice and NTAPI |
0x2000003C | NT_ERROR_LOOPBACK_NOT_AVAILABLE | Loopback not available |
0x2000003D | NT_ERROR_NTHW_MODULE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Nthw module register not in FPGA |
0x2000003E | NT_ERROR_NUMANODE_IS_OFFLINE | NUMANode is offline |
0x2000003F | NT_ERROR_BONDING_SLAVE_TS_NO_CONFIG | Bonding Slave misses timesync configuration |
0x20000040 | NT_ERROR_BONDING_MASTER_NO_TS_SYNC | Bonding Master failed initial time synchronization |
0x20000041 | NT_ERROR_BONDING_SLAVE_NO_TS_SYNC | Bonding Slave failed initial time synchronization |
0x20000042 | NT_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
0x20000043 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_EVENT | Invalid of unknown event type specified |
0x20000044 | NT_ERROR_EVENT_RAISE_NOT_ACTIVE | Raising events not activated. Specify a listen event on open |
0x20000045 | NT_ERROR_TX_RINGBUFFER_NOT_SUPPORTED | Tx ring buffer is not supported |
0x20000046 | NT_ERROR_TX_RINGBUFFER_PKT_SEND_FAILED | Tx ring buffer packet send failed |
0x20000047 | NT_ERROR_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE | A value was out of range |
0x20000048 | NT_ERROR_MALFORMED_ITEM | Malformed item |
0x20000049 | NT_ERROR_GROUP_OUT_OF_RANGE | GroupId out of range |
0x2000004A | NT_ERROR_DESCR_BIT_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE | The descriptor bit position is out of range |
0x2000004B | NT_ERROR_TX_DESCR_MODE_UNKNOWN | The chosen TX descriptor is unknown or unsupported |
0x2000004C | NT_ERROR_FILE_OPEN | A file open operation failed |
0x2000004D | NT_ERROR_FILE_READ | A file read operation failed |
0x2000004E | NT_ERROR_FILE_WRITE | A file write operation failed |
0x2000004F | NT_ERROR_THREAD_START | Failed starting a thread |
0x20000050 | NT_ERROR_DRIVER_AND_NTAPI_VERSION_MISMATCH | Mismatch of driver and NTAPI libraries |
0x20001000 | NT_ERROR_SPLIT | Split |
0x20001001 | NT_ERROR_FILTER_TOO_BIG | The filter is too big |
0x20001002 | NT_ERROR_IMPLICIT_EMPTY_FILTER | Implicit empty filter |
0x20001003 | NT_ERROR_RETRY | Retry |
0x20001004 | NT_ERROR_CONFLICTING_FILTER | Conflicting filter |
0x20001005 | NT_ERROR_IMPLICIT_ALL_FILTER | Implicit all filter |
0x20001006 | NT_ERROR_NOT_MERGED | Not merged |
0x20001007 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_NTPLID | Invalid NtplId |
0x20001008 | NT_ERROR_NTPLID_ALREADY_USED | NtplId is already used |
0x20001009 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_PORT | Invalid port |
0x2000100A | NT_ERROR_PORTS_NOT_ON_SAME_ADAPTER | Ports not on same adapter |
0x2000100B | NT_ERROR_INVALID_HASHMODE | Invalid HashMode option for selected HashMode |
0x2000100C | NT_ERROR_SLICEOFFSET_ZERO | SliceOffset cannot be 0 without a SliceAddHeader option |
0x2000100D | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_HASHMODE | Unsupported hash mode |
0x2000100E | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_HASHMODE_OPTION | Unsupported hash option |
0x2000100F | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_HASHMASK | Unsupported hash mask |
0x20001010 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR_FILTER | Unsupported error filter |
0x20001011 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_FILTER | Unsupported protocol filter |
0x20001012 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_IPMATCH_FILTER | Unsupported IP match filter |
0x20001013 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_KEYMATCH_FILTER | Unsupported keymatch filter |
0x20001014 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_FILTER | Unsupported key filter |
0x20001015 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_IPMATCHLIST_FILTER | Unsupported IP match list filter |
0x20001016 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PATTERN_FILTER | Unsupported pattern filter |
0x20001017 | NT_ERROR_WISMODE_ENABLED_ON_DESTINATION_PORT | Wismode is enabled on destination port |
0x20001018 | NT_ERROR_IPMATCHLIST_LISTTYPE_CONFLICT | IPMatchList ListType conflict |
0x20001019 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_IPFMODE_OPTION | Unsupported IPFMode option |
0x2000101A | NT_ERROR_UNKNOWN_DATATYPE | KeySet value has unknown datatype |
0x2000101B | NT_ERROR_RESOURCE_IN_USE | Resource is in use and cannot be released/re-configured |
0x20002000 | NT_ERROR_SYNTAX_ERROR | Syntax error |
0x20002001 | NT_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_LONG | Buffer too long |
0x20002002 | NT_ERROR_DUPLICATE_COMMAND | Duplicate command |
0x20002003 | NT_ERROR_PORT_RANGE_OUT_OF_RANGE | Port option must include all ports on the adapter |
0x20002004 | NT_ERROR_HOSTBUFFER_OUT_OF_RANGE | Host buffer number out of range |
0x20002005 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_NUMANODE_RANGE | Invalid NUMANode range |
0x20002006 | NT_ERROR_NUMANODE_OUT_OF_RANGE | NUMANode out of range |
0x20002007 | NT_ERROR_TOO_MANY_VALUES | Too many values |
0x20002008 | NT_ERROR_SWAPPED_RANGE | Illegal range |
0x20002009 | NT_ERROR_STREAMID_OUT_OF_RANGE | Stream ID out of range |
0x2000200A | NT_ERROR_MISSING_STREAMID | Missing stream ID |
0x2000200B | NT_ERROR_SOURCE_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE | Source port number out of range |
0x2000200C | NT_ERROR_DESTINATION_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE | Destination port number out of range |
0x2000200D | NT_ERROR_PRIORITY_OUT_OF_RANGE | Priority out of range |
0x2000200E | NT_ERROR_TIMEOUT_OUT_OF_RANGE | Timeout out of range |
0x2000200F | NT_ERROR_OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE | Offset out of range |
0x20002010 | NT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_COMPERATOR | Illegal comparator used |
0x20002011 | NT_ERROR_MISSING_CHAR_IN_MACRO | Missing character in macro name |
0x20002012 | NT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS_IN_MACRO_NAME | Illegal characters in macro name |
0x20002013 | NT_ERROR_MACRO_NAME_TOO_LONG | Macro name is too long |
0x20002014 | NT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS_IN_MACRO_DEF | Illegal characters in macro definition |
0x20002015 | NT_ERROR_MACRO_DEF_TOO_LONG | Macro definition is too long |
0x20002016 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS_IN_MACRO_DEF | Invalid args in macro definition |
0x20002017 | NT_ERROR_POWER_SWITCH_DELAY_TOO_LARGE | Power switch delay too large |
0x20002018 | NT_ERROR_RESERVEDDMAPOOLSIZE_MULTIPLE_OF_4 | ReservedDMAPoolSize must be a multiple of 4 |
0x20002019 | NT_ERROR_NUMSEGMENTS_TOO_LARGE | NumSegments out of range |
0x2000201A | NT_ERROR_INVALID_SEGMENT_SIZE | Invalid segment size |
0x2000201B | NT_ERROR_INVALID_MAX_LATENCY | Invalid max latency |
0x2000201C | NT_ERROR_INVALID_MAX_LATENCY2 | Invalid max latency - must be a multiple of 100 |
0x2000201D | NT_ERROR_EXT_DESC_LENGTH_LARGE | Extended descriptor length too large |
0x2000201E | NT_ERROR_TIME_SYNC_OFFSET_LARGE | Time sync offset too large |
0x2000201F | NT_ERROR_IFG_TOO_LARGE | IFG too large |
0x20002020 | NT_ERROR_COLOR_OUT_OF_RANGE | Color out of range |
0x20002021 | NT_ERROR_SLICEOFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE | Slice offset out of range |
0x20002022 | NT_ERROR_SET_DESC_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE | Set descriptor port out of range |
0x20002023 | NT_ERROR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG | File name too long |
0x20002024 | NT_ERROR_HASHVALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE | Hash value out of range |
0x20002025 | NT_ERROR_HASHSPLIT_PART_OUT_OF_RANGE | Hash split part out of range |
0x20002026 | NT_ERROR_HASHSPLIT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE | Hash split value out of range |
0x20002027 | NT_ERROR_HASHSPLIT_VALUE_RANGE_ERROR | Hash split value range is illegal |
0x20002028 | NT_ERROR_HASHSPLIT_VALUE_LIST_ERROR | Hash split value illegal |
0x20002029 | NT_ERROR_NUMBER_RANGE_TOO_LARGE256 | Number too large |
0x2000202A | NT_ERROR_NUMBER_TOO_LARGE256 | Number too large |
0x2000202B | NT_ERROR_TOO_MANY_EVENTS | Too many events |
0x2000202C | NT_ERROR_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE | Length too large |
0x2000202D | NT_ERROR_DATAMASK_OUT_OF_RANGE | Data mask out of range |
0x2000202E | NT_ERROR_BITMASK_ILLEGAL | Bitmask illegal |
0x2000202F | NT_ERROR_BITMASK_ILLEGAL31 | Bitmask illegal |
0x20002030 | NT_ERROR_MISMATCH_DATATYPE_DATAVALUE | Mismatch between DataType and DataValue |
0x20002031 | NT_ERROR_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE | Data out of range |
0x20002032 | NT_ERROR_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE_HEX | Data out of range |
0x20002033 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA_RANGE | Invalid data range |
0x20002034 | NT_ERROR_DATA_RANGE_OUT_OF_RANGE | Data out of range |
0x20002035 | NT_ERROR_DATATYPE_MUST_BE_DEFINED | Data type must be defined |
0x20002036 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_BYTE_STRING_0X | Invalid byte string. Missing "0x" |
0x20002037 | NT_ERROR_FEW_CHARACTERS_BYTE_STRING | Too few characters in byte string |
0x20002038 | NT_ERROR_MANY_CHARACTERS_BYTE_STRING | Too many characters in byte string |
0x20002039 | NT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_STRING_MUST_BE | Illegal string |
0x2000203A | NT_ERROR_MISSING_OR_ILLEGAL_DATATYPE | Missing or illegal DataType |
0x2000203B | NT_ERROR_IP_ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE | IP address out of range |
0x2000203C | NT_ERROR_MAC_ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE | MAC address out of range |
0x2000203D | NT_ERROR_MISSING_FILTER_EXPRESSIONS | Missing filter expressions |
0x2000203E | NT_ERROR_MISSING_STREAM_ID | Missing stream ID |
0x2000203F | NT_ERROR_MISSING_EVENTS | Missing events |
0x20002040 | NT_ERROR_DUPLICATE_MACRO | Duplicate macro |
0x20002041 | NT_ERROR_MACRO_NOT_FOUND | Error deleting macro - macro not found |
0x20002042 | NT_ERROR_MACRO_NO_ARGUMENT | Cannot find argument in data |
0x20002043 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_NO_OF_ARGS_IN_MACRO_DEF | Invalid number of arguments in macro definition |
0x20002044 | NT_ERROR_MISSING_PAREN_IN_MACRO_DEF | Missing brackets '(' or ')' in macro argument |
0x20002045 | NT_ERROR_MISSING_COMMA_IN_MACRO_DEF | Missing comma ',' in macro argument |
0x20002046 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_STREAM | Invalid stream |
0x20002047 | NT_ERROR_NOT_NT_CAPFILE | File doesn't contain correct file header |
0x20002048 | NT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA | Insufficient data |
0x20002049 | NT_ERROR_NO_BONDING_MASTER | No bonding master detected |
0x2000204A | NT_ERROR_BONDING_PLACEMENT | Master and slave adapters have not been configured together |
0x2000204B | NT_ERROR_HOSTBUFFER_MERGE | Host buffer time stamp merge error |
0x2000204C | NT_ERROR_NO_ADAPTERS | No adapters located in the system |
0x2000204D | NT_ERROR_SENSOR_NOT_FOUND | The sensor cannot be located |
0x2000204E | NT_ERROR_IMAGE_CORRUPT | Image is corrupt |
0x2000204F | NT_ERROR_IMAGE_NOT_COMPATIBLE | Image is not compatible |
0x20002050 | NT_ERROR_NO_SAFEMODE | There is no safe mode support |
0x20002051 | NT_ERROR_IMAGE_VERIFY_FAILED | Image verification failed |
0x20002052 | NT_ERROR_IMAGE_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | Image update already in progress |
0x20002053 | NT_ERROR_PROCESS_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Process does not exist |
0x20002054 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTOR | The extended descriptor is not supported |
0x20002055 | NT_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_COMPATIBLE | The library is not compatible |
0x20002056 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | The parameter is not valid |
0x20002057 | NT_ERROR_SHARED_MEM_CORRUPTED | Shared memory corrupted |
0x20002058 | NT_ERROR_SHARED_MEM_ILLEGAL_VERSION | Illegal version of shared memory |
0x20002059 | NT_ERROR_SERVICE_ERROR | Not able to start the service - see the log |
0x2000205A | NT_ERROR_SERVER_CANNOT_CONNECT | Server cannot connect |
0x2000205B | NT_ERROR_NT_INIT_ALREADY_CALLED | NT_Init has already been called |
0x2000205C | NT_ERROR_HOSTBUFFER_MIX | host buffers from in-line and capture adapters cannot be merged in a streamid |
0x2000205D | NT_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Feature not supported |
0x2000205E | NT_ERROR_HASHMASK_ALREADY_SET | Hash mask already set for the specified hash mode |
0x2000205F | NT_ERROR_SEGMENT_MERGE_CONFLICT | Segment interface cannot merge traffic |
0x20002060 | NT_ERROR_TXPORT_MISSING | TxPort option required for in-line adapters |
0x20002061 | NT_ERROR_NO_AVAILABLE_HOSTBUFFER | No available host buffer found matching the command |
0x20002062 | NT_ERROR_MERGE_NOT_POSSIBLE | Merging is not possible |
0x20002063 | NT_ERROR_INLINE_SEGMENT_CONFLICT | The segment interface cannot be used with in-line adapters |
0x20002064 | NT_ERROR_MISSING_SOURCEPORT | Missing source port |
0x20002065 | NT_ERROR_MISSING_DESTINATIONPORT | Missing destination port |
0x20002066 | NT_ERROR_MISSING_HASHMASKS | Missing hash masks |
0x20002067 | NT_ERROR_HASHMODE_ALREADY_SET | Hash mode is already set |
0x20002068 | NT_ERROR_MISSING_SETUP_OPTION | Missing setup option |
0x20002069 | NT_ERROR_TIMESTAMPTYPE_MIX | Time stamp types cannot be mixed in a stream ID |
0x2000206A | NT_ERROR_STREAM_LOCK_LIST | Failed to acquire the stream list lock |
0x2000206B | NT_ERROR_INVALID_PACKET | Invalid packet |
0x2000206C | NT_ERROR_INVALID_PACKET_SIZE | Invalid packet size - length must be 8 bytes aligned |
0x2000206D | NT_ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE | Resource unavailable |
0x2000206E | NT_ERROR_LOG_FILE_ERROR | Unable to open log file |
0x2000206F | NT_ERROR_INI_FILE_ERROR | Illegal value found in the ini-file |
0x20002070 | NT_ERROR_INI_FILE_INTERNAL | Internal error reading the ini-file |
0x20002071 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_VERSION_MISMATCH | NT_Init called with version mismatch |
0x20002072 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_INFO_CLIENT_NOT_INIT | NT_InfoOpen client not initialized |
0x20002073 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_INFO_CLIENT_NULL_STREAM | NT_Info stream is NULL |
0x20002074 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_INFO_INVALID_HANDLE | NT_Info invalid handle used |
0x20002075 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_INFO_INVALID_CMD | NT_Info invalid command |
0x20002076 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_PORT_NO_TX_SUPPORT | Port does not support TX |
0x20002077 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_NO_TX_BUFFERS | No TX buffers allocated on adapter |
0x20002078 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_TX_PORTS_INVALID | Some TX ports specified in TX mask are invalid |
0x20002079 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_TX_PORT_INVALID | TX ports specified is not in TX mask |
0x2000207A | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_TX_PKT_SIZE_INVALID | TX packet size is not supported |
0x2000207B | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_TX_GET_OPTION_INVALID | TX get option invalid |
0x2000207C | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_TX_TSI_NOT_SUPPORTED | Timestamp inject configured but not supported |
0x2000207D | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_TX_L3_L4_CS_NOT_SUPPORTED | Calculation of L3 and L4 checksum configured but not supported |
0x2000207E | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_FCS_NOT_SUPPORTED | Calculation of FCS checksum configured but not supported |
0x2000207F | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_STAT_GET_FAILED | Could not receive updated statistics in a reasonable time |
0x20002080 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_STAT_GET_INVALID_CMD | NT_StatRead called with unknown command |
0x20002081 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_SYSTEM_NULL_STREAM | NT_System stream is NULL - call NT_Open to create a stream |
0x20002082 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_SYSTEM_INVALID_STREAM | NT_System stream is invalid |
0x20002083 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_SYSTEM_READ_INVALID_CMD | NT_SystemRead called with unknown command |
0x20002084 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_SYSTEM_READ_NO_VPD_SUPPORT | NT_SystemRead VPD requested, but not supported |
0x20002085 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NET_RELEASE_INVALID_BUF | Tried to release an invalid buffer - timed out NetxxGet call must not be released |
0x20002086 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_CLOSE_WITH_INUSE_BUFFERS | NT_NetRxClose called with pending in-use buffers |
0x20002087 | NT_ERROR_NT_NOT_INITIALIZED | NT not initialized |
0x20002088 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_LIMITED_MODE | NT service running in limited mode due to initialization errors - command not permitted |
0x20002089 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_STARTUP_FAILED_VPD | NT service startup failed - VPD initialization failed |
0x2000208A | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_INI_FILE_BUSID_CLASH | The ini-file contains adapters with same bus ID |
0x2000208B | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_INI_FILE_ADAPTER_MISSING | The ini-file contains adapters not present |
0x2000208C | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_INI_FILE_ADPTERX_MISSING | The ini-file [Adapter(x)] not found |
0x2000208D | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBH_TX_FAILED | Transmit failed |
0x2000208F | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_NOT_RUNNING | HBM is not running |
0x20002090 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_NO_EMPTY_SLOT | HBM reports no empty slot found (internal error) |
0x20002091 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_NO_TX_HOSTBUFFER | HBM reports no free TX host buffers found |
0x20002092 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_NO_TX_HOSTBUFFER_NUMA | HBM reports no free TX host buffers found |
0x20002093 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_HOSTBUF_IDX_ERROR | HBM failed to find host buffer index (internal error) |
0x20002094 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_STREAMMAP_ERROR | HBM reports no free stream maps found (internal error) |
0x20002095 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_EGRESS_ERROR | HBM host buffer already mapped to egress port |
0x20002096 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_EGRESS_MAP_ERROR | HBM error - only RX host buffers may be mapped to an egress port |
0x20002097 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_INIT_TOO_MANY_HB | HBMInit: too many host buffers specified |
0x20002098 | NT_ERROR_NT_SERVICE_HBM_INIT_NO_NUMA | HBMInit: no NUMA nodes specified |
0x20002099 | NT_ERROR_CPLD_INVALID_REG | Invalid CPLD register to read/write |
0x2000209A | NT_ERROR_ADAPTER_BONDING_READ_DAUGHTER_FAILED | Adapter bonding: daughter board read failed |
0x2000209B | NT_ERROR_ADAPTER_BONDING_INLINE_ADAPTER | Adapter bonding: In-line adapters cannot be bonded with expansion cards |
0x2000209C | NT_ERROR_ADAPTER_BONDING_TRAINING | Adapter bonding: Expansion bus training failed |
0x2000209D | NT_ERROR_ADAPTER_BONDING_SLAVE_ALREADY_BONDED | Adapter bonding: Slave already bonded |
0x2000209E | NT_ERROR_ADAPTER_BONDING_SLAVE_NOT_FOUND | Adapter bonding: Failed to find bonded slave |
0x2000209F | NT_ERROR_ADAPTER_BONDING_TOO_MANY_BUFFERS | Adapter bonding: Too many host buffers defined (Total max 32).. |
0x200020A0 | NT_ERROR_SDRAM_INIT_FAILED | SDRAM DDR: Initialize controller failed (internal error) |
0x200020A1 | NT_ERROR_SDRAM_CALIB_FAILED | SDRAM DDR: Calibration failed (internal error) |
0x200020A2 | NT_ERROR_SDRAM_SELFTEST_FAILED | SDRAM DDR: Self test failed (internal error) |
0x200020A3 | NT_ERROR_SDRAM_START_FAILED | SDRAM DDR: Start failed (internal error) |
0x200020A4 | NT_ERROR_SDRAM_CONFIGURE_FEEDS_FAILED | SDRAM DDR: Configure feeds failed (internal error) |
0x200020A5 | NT_ERROR_SENSOR_ADD_FAILED | Add sensor failed (internal error) |
0x200020A6 | NT_ERROR_VPD_FAILED | No VPD info |
0x200020A7 | NT_ERROR_VPD_INIT_FLASH_READ_FAILED | VPD init: Flash read failed |
0x200020A8 | NT_ERROR_VPD_INIT_DEFRAG_FAILED | VPD init: Failed defragmenting sectors (internal error) |
0x200020A9 | NT_ERROR_VPD_SUPPLIED_MEM_TOO_SMALL | Not enough memory in buffer for VPD info |
0x200020AA | NT_ERROR_RESERVED1 | Reserved |
0x200020AB | NT_ERROR_RESERVED2 | Reserved |
0x200020AC | NT_ERROR_RESERVED3 | Reserved |
0x200020AE | NT_ERROR_NT_TERMINATING | NT library is terminating |
0x200020AF | NT_ERROR_NT_READING_FLASH_FAILED | Reading flash failed |
0x200020B0 | NT_ERROR_NT_WRITING_FLASH_FAILED | Writing flash failed |
0x200020B1 | NT_ERROR_NT_INIT_SPI_FAILED | Initialising SPI failed |
0x200020B2 | NT_ERROR_NT_INIT_I2C_FAILED | Initialising I2C failed |
0x200020B3 | NT_ERROR_RXAUI_LINK_ERROR | RXAUI link error |
0x200020B4 | NT_ERROR_NIM_NOT_PRESENT | NIM not present |
0x200020B5 | NT_ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_ALLOWED | The adapter cannot use the requested profile |
0x200020B6 | NT_ERROR_LOG_NOT_READY | The log is not ready |
0x200020B7 | NT_ERROR_MERGE_NOT_ALLOWED | Merge between different adapter types is not allowed |
0x200020B8 | NT_ERROR_IPF_MERGE_NOT_ALLOWED | IPF unmatched stream merge on in-line adapter not allowed |
0x200020B9 | NT_ERROR_TX_LASER_DISABLE_NOT_SUPPORTED | TX laser software disable is not supported |
0x200020BA | NT_ERROR_TX_LASER_DISABLE_FAILED | TX laser disable failed |
0x200020BB | NT_ERROR_ADAPTER_NOT_SUPPORTED | Adapter is not supported |
0x200020BC | NT_ERROR_PACKET_IF_NOT_SUPP | When running PCAP header, the packet interface is not supported |
0x200020BD | NT_ERROR_MULTI_DATA_MASK | Only one data mask definition allowed |
0x200020BE | NT_ERROR_HOSTBUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The host buffer is too small |
0x200020BF | NT_ERROR_TXPORT_SAME_ADAPTER_MISMATCH | A TX port is specified, receiving data from a capture adapter. The TX port must be on the same adapter as the receiving port(s) |
0x200020C0 | NT_ERROR_TXPORT_INLINE_MISMATCH | The TX port does not match an in-line adapter |
0x200020C1 | NT_ERROR_TXPORT_PRODUCTFAMILY_MISMATCH | The TX port does not match an adapter of same product family |
0x200020C2 | NT_ERROR_STREAM_PROFILE_MISMATCH | The stream cannot merge from adapters with different profiles |
0x200020C3 | NT_ERROR_STREAM_PRODUCTFAMILY_MISMATCH | The stream cannot merge from adapters of different product families |
0x200020C4 | NT_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER | Syntax error - invalid number |
0x200020C5 | NT_ERROR_HOSTBUFFERSIZE_OUT_OF_RANGE | Host buffer size out of range |
0x200020C6 | NT_ERROR_RETRANSMIT_PORT_FILTER_NOT_ALLOWED | Port filter is not allowed in retransmit |
0x200020C7 | NT_ERROR_SLICE_RETX_WITHOUT_RETRANSMIT | Cannot setup retransmit slicer without a retransmit destination port |
0x200020C8 | NT_ERROR_PCI_BANDWIDTH_MEASUREMENT_FAILED | The measurement of PCI bandwidth failed - please check the log |
0x200020C9 | NT_ERROR_SENSOR_SOURCE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Sensor source not supported |
0x200020CA | NT_ERROR_SENSOR_SOURCEINDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE | Sensor source index out of range |
0x200020CB | NT_ERROR_SENSOR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE | Sensor index out of range |
0x200020CC | NT_ERROR_SENSOR_LIMITS_OUT_OF_RANGE | Sensor limits out of range |
0x200020CD | NT_ERROR_FILEHEADER_ONLY_ON_SEGMENTS | The file header can only be retrieved when using the segment interface |
0x200020CE | NT_ERROR_STREAMID_TXPORT_MISMATCH | The number of stream IDs and TX ports do not match |
0x200020CF | NT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE | Invalid value used |
0x200020D0 | NT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FPGA_MODULE | The FPGA is not supported by the adapter |
0x200020D1 | NT_ERROR_GLOBALSYNC_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Global sync mode not supported by inline adapters |
0x200020D2 | NT_ERROR_I2C_OPERATION_FAILED | I2C operation failed |
0x200020D3 | NT_ERROR_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_OUT_OF_RANGE | Watchdog timeout out of range |
0x200020D4 | NT_ERROR_DELAY_OUT_OF_RANGE | Delay out of range |
0x200020D5 | NT_ERROR_ABSOLUTE_TX_TIMING | Adapter does not support absolute TX timing |
0x200020D6 | NT_ERROR_PORT_DISABLE | Adapter does not support disabling of the ports |
0x200020D7 | NT_ERROR_TIMESTAMP_INJECT_OFFSET | Adapter does not support timestamp injection offset other than start of frame |
0x200020D8 | NT_ERROR_GLOBAL_SYNC_INVALID | IFG cannot be changed while in Global Sync mode |
0x200020D9 | NT_ERROR_NT_SPI_RX_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | SPI RX buffer too small |
0x200020DA | NT_ERROR_TX_TIMING_NOT_SUPPORTED | TX timing cannot be changed for the adapter |
0x200020DB | NT_ERROR_TS_INJECT_OFF_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Timestamp injection offset mode cannt be changed for the adapter |
0x200020DC | NT_ERROR_PTP_CFG_INVALID_PARAM | PTP parameter configuration error |
0x200020DD | NT_ERROR_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH | The kernel driver version does not match the the user mode driver |
0x200020DE | NT_ERROR_MASKNO_OUT_OF_RANGE | Mask Number out of range |
0x200020DF | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_NT_INIT_NOT_CALLED | NTAPI is not initialized - NT_Init() has not been called |
0x200020E0 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_INITIALIZING | NTAPI is initializing |
0x200020E1 | NT_ERROR_NTAPI_TERMINATING | NTAPI is terminating |
0x200020E2 | NT_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES | No more resources available |
0x200020E3 | NT_IPC_STATUS_CONNECTION_CLOSED | IPC connection closed |
0x200020E4 | NT_ERROR_DMA_OUT_OF_RANGE | DMA memory physical address out of range |
0x200020E5 | NT_ERROR_HOST_BUFFER_MEM_TOO_BIG | Host buffer memory size exceeded |
0x200020E6 | NT_ERROR_PTP_NOT_ENABLED_OR_NOT_AVAIL | PTP is not enabled or not available |
0x200020E7 | NT_ERROR_PTP_DEL_ASYM_OUT_OF_RANGE | PTP delay asymmetry out of range |
0x200020E8 | NT_ERROR_KEYLENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE | Key length out of range |
0x200020E9 | NT_ERROR_LINK_ERROR | Link error |
0x200020EA | NT_ERROR_TOO_MANY_DESTINATION_PORTS | Too many destination ports |
0x200020EB | NT_ERROR_FILE_EMPTY | Empty file |
0x200020EC | NT_ERROR_INVALID_IDENTIFIER | Invalid identifier used |
0x200020ED | NT_ERROR_OPTIONS_MISSING | At least one option must be specified |
0x200020EE | NT_ERROR_PCAP_NG_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED | Supplied PCAP-NG file version is not supported |
0x200020EF | NT_ERROR_PCAP_NG_INVALID_RESOLUTION | Invalid time stamp resolution found in PCAP-NG file |
0x200020F0 | NT_ERROR_PCAP_NG_INVALID_PACKET_SIZE | Invalid packet size found in PCAP-NG file |
0x200020F1 | NT_ERROR_CAP_FILE_NOT_RECOGNIZED | The supplied capture file format is not recognized |
0x200020F2 | NT_ERROR_CAP_FILE_PACKET_TOO_LARGE | Too large packets found. Captured with LRO (Large Receive Offload) enabled? |
0x200020F3 | NT_ERROR_CAP_FILE_STORED_LENGTH_INVALID | Packet with invalid stored length found |
0x200020F4 | NT_ERROR_CAP_FILE_CREATION_ERROR | Could not open target file for file format conversion |
0x200020F5 | NT_ERROR_CAP_FILE_CORRUPTED_ERROR | The capture file is corrupted |
0x200020F6 | NT_ERROR_NSEB_NOT_ACTIVE | NSEB interface not active |
0x200020F7 | NT_ERROR_LENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE | Length out of range |
0x20003000 | NT_ERROR_NIM_ERROR | NIM error |
0x20003001 | NT_ERROR_NIM_ID_UNHANDLED | NIM ID unhandled |
0x20003002 | NT_ERROR_NIM_FUNC_NOT_SUPP | NIM function not supported |
0x20003003 | NT_ERROR_NIM_OPTION_NOT_SUPP | NIM option not supported |
0x20003004 | NT_ERROR_NIM_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE | NIM number out of range |
0x20003005 | NT_ERROR_NIM_ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE | NIM address out of range |
0x20003006 | NT_ERROR_NIM_INTERNAL_ERROR | NIM internal error |
0x20003007 | NT_ERROR_NIM_FUNC_FAILED | NIM function failed |
0x20003008 | NT_ERROR_NIM_INSUFF_ARRAY_SIZE | NIM insufficient array size |
0x20003009 | NT_ERROR_NIM_NOT_RECOGNISED | NIM not recognised |
0x2000300A | NT_ERROR_NIM_PN_NOT_RECOGNISED | NIM product number not recognised |
0x2000300B | NT_ERROR_NIM_PWR_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED | NIM power class not supported |
0x2000300C | NT_ERROR_NIM_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | NIM type is not supported |
0x2000300D | NT_ERROR_NIM_NOT_ACCESSIBLE | NIM not accessible |
0x20004000 | NT_ERROR_AVR_ERROR | AVR error |
0x20004001 | NT_ERROR_AVR_RX_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | AVR RX buffer too small |
0x20004002 | NT_ERROR_AVR_OPCODE_RETURNED_ERROR | AVR Opcode did not succeed and returned an error |
0x20004003 | NT_ERROR_AVR_UNKNOWN_OPCODE_RETURNED | AVR did not know the opcode requested |
0x20004004 | NT_ERROR_AVR_RETURNED_DATA_COUNT_MISMATCH | AVR returned an unexpected number of data bytes |
0x20004005 | NT_ERROR_AVR_LOG_VERSION_UNHANDLED | AVR log version unhandled |
0x20004006 | NT_ERROR_AVR_LOG_INCONSISTENCY | AVR log inconsistency |
0x20004007 | NT_ERROR_AVR_SENSOR_DATA_NOT_UPDATED | AVR did not update sensor data |
0x20005000 | NT_ERROR_AFU_ERROR | AFU error |
0x20005001 | NT_ERROR_AFU_FILE_HANDLING | AFU File handling error |
0x20005002 | NT_ERROR_AFU_INVALID_PARAM | AFU Invalid parameter supplied |
0x20005003 | NT_ERROR_AFU_BUSY | AFU Resource is busy |
0x20005004 | NT_ERROR_AFU_EXCEPTION | AFU An exception occurred |
0x20005005 | NT_ERROR_AFU_NOT_FOUND | AFU A required resource was not found |
0x20005006 | NT_ERROR_AFU_NOT_SUPPORTED | AFU Requested operation is not supported |
0x20005007 | NT_ERROR_AFU_NO_DRIVER | AFU Driver is not loaded |
0x20005008 | NT_ERROR_AFU_NO_DAEMON | AFU FPGA Daemon (fpgad) is not running |
0x20005009 | NT_ERROR_AFU_NO_ACCESS | AFU Insufficient privileges or permissions |
0x2000500A | NT_ERROR_AFU_RECONF_ERROR | AFU Error while reconfiguring FPGA |
0x10020002 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(2) | Unsupported IPC socket type |
0x10020003 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(3) | Unsupported IPC socket family |
0x10020004 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(4) | IPC connection dropped by remote end or invalid |
0x10020005 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(5) | IPC connection closed by remote |
0x10020006 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(6) | IPC setsockopt failed |
0x10020007 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(7) | IPC create listen socket failed |
0x10020008 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(8) | IPC invalid attribute type specified |
0x10020009 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(9) | IPC accept call failed |
0x1002000A | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(10) | IPC create socket failed |
0x1002000B | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(11) | IPC bind socket failed |
0x1002000C | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(12) | IPC listen socket failed |
0x1002000D | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(13) | IPC connect socket failed |
0x1002000E | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_CON(14) | IPC set access rights failed |
0x10030001 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_SCHED(1) | Memory allocation failed |
0x10030002 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_SCHED(2) | Call to socketpair failed |
0x10030003 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_SCHED(3) | pthread_mutex call failed |
0x10030004 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_SCHED(4) | NtIpc Scheduler not valid |
0x10030005 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_SCHED(5) | poll failed |
0x10030006 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_SCHED(6) | Wakeup recv failed |
0x10030007 | NTE_MODULE_NTIPC_SCHED(7) | Out of connection resources - you need to free/close connections |
0x10040001 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_NTIPC(1) | Connection invalid |
0x10040002 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_NTIPC(2) | Invalid NtMsg connection type |
0x10040003 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_NTIPC(3) | recv buffer too small |
0x10040004 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_NTIPC(4) | Invalid NtMsg connection cookie received |
0x10040005 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_NTIPC(5) | IPC connection error |
0x10050001 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_DISPATCHER(1) | Mutex failed |
0x10050002 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_DISPATCHER(2) | Memory allocation failed |
0x10050003 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_DISPATCHER(3) | Dispatcher creation failed |
0x10050004 | NTE_MODULE_NTMSG_DISPATCHER(4) | Dispatcher callback function already registered |