Error Tests
This section specifies the syntax and semantics for the error tests. Supported for all feature sets.
The syntax for the error tests is shown below.
<ErrorTest> ::= <ErrorFlag> '==' <TrueFalseValue> <ErrorFlag> ::= 'CvError' | 'CrcError' | 'Layer3CheckSumError' | 'Layer4CheckSumError' | 'Truncated'
Using an error test it is possible to set up a filter, filtering on any combination of errors:
- CvError: Frames with CV (code violation) errors.
- CrcError: Frames with MAC CRC errors / FCS errors.
- Layer3CheckSumError: Frames layer 3 CRC errors. IPv4 is supported.
- Layer4CheckSumError: Frames layer 4 CRC errors. TCP and UDP is supported.
- Truncated: Frames that are truncated.
Error Test Examples
Assign[StreamId = 1] = CrcError == TRUE # CRC errors to stream 1
Assign[StreamId = 7] = CvError == TRUE OR Truncated == TRUE # Rest of error frames to stream 7