Reference Documentation

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Reference Information
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.6
Napatech Software Suite: NT-TS

NT Timesync

The NT Timesync feature is used to synchronize the time between two adapters or between an adapter and another unit that runs the NT Timesync feature. The feature is configured in the ntservice.ini file and is controlled by the FPGA in the adapter. The NT Timesync signal sends a synchronization signal every 20 microsecond, which allows the FPGA to perform adjustments 50,000 times a second, resulting in very precise synchronization.

High Frequency Sampling

The High Frequency Sampling feature allows users to get precise timing data from the adapter. This feature requires the adapter to be configured for NT Timesync and that an NT-TS signal is present on the input connector. The adapter time and the external time are sampled every 20 micro seconds. When this feature is enabled, no time synchronization is performed and the adapter time will be free running.