
Reference Documentation

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Reference Information
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.6
Napatech Software Suite: Properties

The Napatech Software Suite internally maintains a number of properties.

These properties can be queried by applications that wish to obtain information about
the capabilities of the Napatech driver and installed adapters.

Properties are addressed in a hierarchical fashion. For example: Adapter0.FpgaGeneration
addresses the FpgaGeneration property on adapter 0.

It is also possible to query ini-file settings through the properties interface. These
settings are located under the ini "section". If, for example, an application
wishes to read the "HostBufferHandlerAffinity" setting on adapter 2 the following address
should be used: ini.Adapter2.HostBufferHandlerAffinity

An adapter property's existence does not depend on the adapter type.
All adapters have the same properties regardless of adapter and FPGA generation, but the values of the properties depend on whether the adapter supports the given capabilities.

System properties
Properties in the system section are system wide.

Adapter properties
The adapter section contains properties that are specific to a particular adapter.

See below for a description of the available properties.

Parameter Description Possible values
FpgaGeneration Specifies FPGA generation on adapter

2: 2nd generation FPGA
3: 3rd generation FPGA
4: 4th generation FPGA

PortOffset Offset of the starting port on adapter
PortCount Number of ports on adapter
VnTag Indicates the level of VN-TAG filtering supported

0: Not supported
1: Supported

IpMatch Indicates whether the adapter supports IPMatch matching

0: Not supported
1: Supported

KeyMatch Indicates the level of key matching supported

0: Not supported
1: Level 1 Supported
2: Level 2 Supported (bitmasks and improved key mapping)

FlowMatch Indicates the level of flow matching supported

0: Not supported
1: Supported: non-stateful
2: Supported: stateful

Toeplitz Indicates whether the Toeplitz hash algorithm is supported

0: Not supported
1: Supported

CorrelationKey Indicates whether correlation key functionality is supported

0: Not supported
1: Supported

Deduplication Indicates whether the adapter supports deduplication

0: Not supported
1: Supported

Masking Indicates whether the adapter supports masking

0: Not supported
1: Supported

HeaderStripping Indicates whether the adapter supports header stripping

0: Not supported
1: Supported

WindowSize Size of deduplication window Size is given in µs
TableSize Size of deduplication hash table Number of internal entries in the FPGA deduplication hash table
FlmCapacity Flow Matcher Table size


FlmEntrySize Flow Matcher Entry size


Sdram Indicates whether Rx SDRAM buffer is supported

0: Not supported
1: Supported

Capacity Rx SDRAM buffer size MB
OsTime Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync OsTime feature

0: Not supported
1: Supported

FreeRun Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync FreeRun feature

0: Not supported
1: Supported

Ntts Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync Ntts feature

0: Not supported
1: Supported

PPS Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync PPS feature

0: Not supported
1: Supported

PTP Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync PTP feature

0: Not supported
1: Supported

ClockAdjustmentMode Specifies the supported TimeSync clock adjustment mode
LiveReconfig Specifies whether 4GA FPGA support GFG reconfiguration with live TX

0: Not supported
1: Supported

ZeroCopyTransmit Specifies whether 4GA FPGA has zero-copy transmit

0: Not supported
1: Supported

TimedTransmit Specifies whether 4GA FPGA supports configurable transmit timestamp formats

0: Not supported
1: Supported