Section |
Parameter | Description | Possible values |
Adapter |
FpgaGeneration | Specifies FPGA generation on adapter | 2: 2nd generation FPGA
3: 3rd generation FPGA
4: 4th generation FPGA
PortOffset | Offset of the starting port on adapter | |
PortCount | Number of ports on adapter | |
Adapter.Filter |
VnTag | Indicates the level of VN-TAG filtering supported | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
IpMatch | Indicates whether the adapter supports IPMatch matching | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
KeyMatch | Indicates the level of key matching supported | 0: Not supported
1: Level 1 Supported
2: Level 2 Supported (bitmasks and improved key mapping)
FlowMatch | Indicates the level of flow matching supported | 0: Not supported
1: Supported: non-stateful
2: Supported: stateful
Toeplitz | Indicates whether the Toeplitz hash algorithm is supported | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
CorrelationKey | Indicates whether correlation key functionality is supported | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
Deduplication | Indicates whether the adapter supports deduplication | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
Masking | Indicates whether the adapter supports masking | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
HeaderStripping | Indicates whether the adapter supports header stripping | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
Adapter.Filter.Deduplication |
WindowSize | Size of deduplication window | Size is given in µs |
TableSize | Size of deduplication hash table | Number of internal entries in the FPGA deduplication hash table |
Adapter.Filter.FlowMatch |
FlmCapacity | Flow Matcher Table size | MB
FlmEntrySize | Flow Matcher Entry size | bytes
Adapter.Rx |
Sdram | Indicates whether Rx SDRAM buffer is supported | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
Adapter.Rx.Sdram |
Capacity | Rx SDRAM buffer size | MB |
Adapter.TimeSync |
OsTime | Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync OsTime feature | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
FreeRun | Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync FreeRun feature | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
Ntts | Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync Ntts feature | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
PPS | Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync PPS feature | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
PTP | Specifies whether FPGA supports TimeSync PTP feature | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
ClockAdjustmentMode | Specifies the supported TimeSync clock adjustment mode | |
Adapter.Tx |
LiveReconfig | Specifies whether 4GA FPGA support GFG reconfiguration with live TX | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
ZeroCopyTransmit | Specifies whether 4GA FPGA has zero-copy transmit | 0: Not supported
1: Supported
TimedTransmit | Specifies whether 4GA FPGA supports configurable transmit timestamp formats | 0: Not supported
1: Supported