
Reference Documentation

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Reference Information
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.6
Napatech Software Suite: diagnostics


The diagnostics tool is used to analyze and test the network adapters. It shows sensors, size and type of SDRAM, prints timesync information, and runs a traffic test. To run the traffic test without specifying single-port-loop, you need to loop port 0 and 1, 2 and 3, etc. If single-port-loop is specified then port 0 must be looped to port 0, port 1 to port 1 etc.

Additionally, the tool can perform an internal debug diagnostic sequence that checks various service tasks, FPGA segments, time stamps, and other internal vital functions.


diagnostics [--adapter <adapter number> | --port <port number>] [--sensors] [--idd] [--single-port-loop] [--first-error-stop] [--help]

Optional Commands
Command Description
--help This help text
--adapter The adapter to run tests on; if not specified, run tests on all adapters. Cannot be stated along with the port option.
--port The (rx) port to run tests on; if not specified, run tests on specified adapters. Indirectly specifies the adapter also and cannot be stated along with the adapter option.
--sensors Only show sensors
--idd Run internal debug diagnostics
--single-port-loop Every port is looped back to itself instead of the next port
--first-error-stop Stop end return on the first error

Time Synchronization Information

The tool displays some information about time synchronization. This information mostly reflects the current configuration, as opposed to whether the time is synchronized. For adapters that support an external time synchronization signal, the tool indicates whether the external signal is present. The following example is an excerpt from a run of the diagnostics tool:

PTP timesync available         : Yes
Timesync connector Ext1        : NttsIn
Timesync connector Int1        : None
Timesync connector Int2        : None
Clock reference priority       : NT-TS(Ext1), FreeRun
Current clock reference        : FreeRun
Frequency reference priority   : FreeRun
Current frequency reference    : FreeRun
Timesync clock adjustmentmode  : 2
Hard clock reset allowed       : yes
Configured NT-TS in-sync limit : 5000 (ns)
Configured OS in-sync limit    : 50000 (ns)
Configured PPS in-sync limit   : 5000 (ns)
Configured PTP in-sync limit   : 5000 (ns)
Adapter clock sampled timestamps:

The tool displays the following time synchronization information:

  • PTP timesync available: Either Yes or No depending on if PTP timesync capability is available on the adapter.
  • Timesync connector Ext1: Either PpsIn, PpsOut, NttsIn, NttsOut, RepeatInt1, RepeatInt2 or None. This parameter specifies the actual direction and protocol to use on the Ext1 connector. The RepeatXxxy means daisy-chaining the signal from connector Xxxy. None means that the Ext1 connector is not in use.
  • Timesync connector Int1: Either PpsIn, PpsOut, NttsIn, NttsOut, RepeatExt1, RepeatInt2 or None. This parameter specifies the actual direction and protocol to use on the Int1 connector. The RepeatXxxy means daisy-chaining the signal from connector Xxxy. None means that the Int1 connector is not in use.
  • Timesync connector Int2: Either PpsIn, PpsOut, NttsIn, NttsOut, RepeatExt1, RepeatInt1 or None. This parameter specifies the actual direction and protocol to use on the Int2 connector. The RepeatXxxy means daisy-chaining the signal from connector Xxxy. None means that the Int2 connector is not in use.
  • Clock reference priority: This shows the configured timesync clock reference priority list, going from left to right with leftmost having the highest priority. The list of individual timesync references are: Ext1, Int1, Int2, PTP, OsTime or FreeRun. When a connector is referenced, the actual protocol used must be found in that connectors configuration. See above.
  • Current clock reference: This parameter shows the currently used clock reference.
  • Frequency reference priority: This shows the configured timesync clock frequency reference priority list, going from left to right with leftmost having the highest priority. The list of individual timesync references are: SyncE or FreeRun.
  • Current frequency reference: This parameter shows the currently used clock frequency reference.
  • Timesync clock adjustmentmode: Either 1 or 2. It shows the configured clock adjustment mode. mode 1 is compatible with older Napatech adapters, whereas mode 2 is a new slightly changed timesync clock adjustment mode. The differences are as follows: Max clock rate adjustment in mode 1 - OS/PPS: 100.000 ppm, NT-TS: 62.000 ppm, PTP: N/A and in mode 2 - OS/PPS/NT-TS/PTP: 2000 ppm (See DN-0384 for a complete list of differences)
  • TimeSync time jump threshold: If clock adjustment mode is 1, then the time jump threshold parameters is shown. It controls the sliding mode and jump threshold value. If clock adjustment mode is 2, a parameter "TimeSyncHardReset" is shown instead specifying Enable/Disable to control sliding mode. (See DN-0384 for more information)
  • Configured NT-TS in-sync limit: Shows the configured NT-TS in-sync threshold value in nanoseconds.
  • Configured OS in-sync limit: Shows the configured OS in-sync threshold value in nanoseconds.
  • Configured PTP in-sync limit: Shows the configured PTP in-sync threshold value in nanoseconds. If the adapter is not PTP capable, then this parameter will not be shown.
  • Current clock skew: The last read clock offset to reference clock.
  • Clock in-sync with reference: Either Yes or No. Shows the in-sync state of the adapter clock, using the current reference clock.
  • Adapter clock sampled timestamps: This lists all sampled timestamps triggered on configured PPS input signals. Also shown in the monitoring tool.

The "first-error-stop" parameter

Using the "first-error-stop" parameter the tool will return immediately after it has encountered the first error. Furthermore, it returns a more specific return code for the traffic test which describes the cause of failure more precise.

  50 : Traffic test failed with unspecified error
  51 : Traffic test failed with link down
  52 : Traffic test failed with incorrect receive count
  53 : Traffic test failed with received packet size error
  54 : Traffic test failed with received corrupt packets
  55 : Traffic test failed with received packet sequence error
  56 : Traffic test failed due to RX only module in the TX port
  57 : Traffic test failed due to timestamps moving backwards