Distributing tunneled traffic for different IP addresses between streams
Traffic to and from different client IP addresses inside a tunnel can be distributed between streams based on an inner tunnel hash key, so that traffic to and from one client goes to one stream and traffic to and from another client goes to another stream (or to the same stream).
Example using a SmartNIC port filter
Assume a client has an IP address and it connects to remote IP addresses Y and Z. All the traffic from/to IP address should end up in the same stream regardless of the destination IP address Y and Z. Also assume that all uplink traffic is on port 0, all downlink traffic is on port 1 and all tunneled traffic is IPv4. The idea is to generate a hash value from a key that only contains the client IP address. In uplink traffic coming from port 0, the address will be the source address, and in downlink traffic from port 1, the address will be the destination. This can be expressed in the following NTPL commands:
Define HashUp = Hash(HashWord0_3=InnerLayer3Header[12]/32) Define HashDown = Hash(HashWord0_3=InnerLayer3Header[16]/32) Define FilterUp = Filter(Port==0 AND InnerLayer3Protocol==IPV4) Define FilterDown = Filter(Port==1 AND InnerLayer3Protocol==IPV4) Assign[StreamId=(0..3); Hash = HashUp] = FilterUp Assign[StreamId=(0..3); Hash = HashDown] = FilterDown
Example using an IP filter
Consider the case where similar functionality is wanted, but instead of having one port for uplink and one for downlink, the connection is a SPAN/mirror port. In this case the IP addresses of the possible gateways in and out of our network (SGSN and GGSN) must be known in order to be able to figure out if a packet is uplink or downlink. The uplink traffic has SGSN as source address or GGSN as destination address. The downlink traffic has SGSN as destination address or GGSN as source address. The up/down filters can in this case be defined like this:
DefineMacro("SGSN", "3") DefineMacro("GGSN", "4") IPMatchList[KeySet=SGSN] = IPv4Addr == [] IPMatchList[KeySet=GGSN] = IPv4Addr == [] Define FilterUp = Filter(KeyMatch(Layer3Header[12]/32)==SGSN OR KeyMatch(Layer3Header[16]/32)==GGSN) Define FilterDown = Filter(KeyMatch(Layer3Header[12]/32)==GGSN OR KeyMatch(Layer3Header[16]/32)==SGSN) Assign[StreamId=(0..3); Hash = HashUp] = FilterUp Assign[StreamId=(0..3); Hash = HashDown] = FilterDown
Style Conventions
Bold typeface is used for names of, for instance, user interface elements and software components.
Italic typeface is used for replaceable text.
Monospaced typeface is used for code, commands and file names.