API: Monitor Flow Manager Statistics

Stateful Flow Management

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
User Guide
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.7

Use this example to handle a statistics record of the flow manager.

Supported counters of the flow manager

The following counters are supported.
  • Learn counters
    • Done: Incremented when a flow is learned successfully.
    • Ignore: Incremented when flow learning is ignored because the flow exists in the flow table.
    • Fail: Incremented when flow learning fails.
  • Unlearn counters
    • Done: Incremented when a flow is unlearned successfully.
    • Ignore: Incremented when flow unlearning fails because the flow does not exist in the flow table.
  • Automatic unlearn counters
    • Done: Incremented when a TCP flow is unlearned after the TCP session is terminated.
    • Ignore: Incremented when a TCP flow was already unlearned after a TCP termination is detected.
    • Fail: Incremented when unlearning of a TCP flow fails after the TCP session is terminated. The automatic unlearning operation may fail if too many TCP termination events occur within a short time interval.
  • DMA counters
    • Write: Incremented when a flow is learned/unlearned by the application.
    • Info read: Incremented when a flow info record is read by the driver.
    • Info drop: Incremented when a flow info record is dropped.
    • Stat read: Incremented when a statistics record is read by the driver.
    • Stat drop: Incremented when a statistics record is dropped.

Read flow statistics

A statistics stream can be used to access these flow counters. Statistics data can be accessed using the NT_StatRead function with the NtStatistics_s structure. The following code snippet shows how to open a statistics stream, read flow statistics information including an example on how to display the information.
  uint8_t        adapterNo = 0;
  NtStatistics_t hStat;
  NtStatStream_t hStatStream;

  // Open the stat stream.
  status = NT_StatOpen(&hStatStream, "Read_flowstats_example");
  if(status != NT_SUCCESS) { /* Handle error */ }

  // Read the statistics counters
  hStat.u.flowData_v1.clear = 0;  // Don't clear statistics
  hStat.u.flowData_v1.adapterNo = adapterNo;
  status = NT_StatRead(hStatStream, &hStat);
  if(status != NT_SUCCESS) { /* Handle error */ }

  std::cout << "Statistic from stat stream:" << std::endl
    << "  Learn:" << std::endl
    << "    Done:      " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.learnDone << std::endl
    << "    Ignore:    " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.learnIgnore << std::endl
    << "    Fail:      " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.learnFail << std::endl
    << "  Unlearn:" << std::endl
    << "    Done:      " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.unlearnDone << std::endl
    << "    Ignore:    " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.unlearnIgnore << std::endl
    << "  Automatic Unlearn:" << std::endl
    << "    Done:      " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.automaticUnlearnDone << std::endl
    << "    Ignore:    " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.automaticUnlearnIgnore << std::endl
    << "    Fail:      " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.automaticUnlearnFail << std::endl
    << "  Timeout Unlearn:" << std::endl
    << "    Done:      " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.timeoutUnlearnDone << std::endl
    << "  DMA:" << std::endl
    << "    Write:     " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.dmaWriteRecords << std::endl
    << "    Info Read: " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.dmaReadInfoRecords << std::endl
    << "    Stat Read: " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.dmaReadStatRecords << std::endl;
    << "  Current Flow Count: " << hStat.u.flowData_v1.currentFlowCount << std::endl;
In the code snippet the NT_STATISTICS_READ_CMD_FLOW_V1 command is set to retrieve flow manager statistics. The returned data from NT_StatRead is SmartNIC-specific, so before the function is called, the SmartNIC number must be specified.
Note: By default a new statistics record is available every 500 ms. The interval can be changed using the StatInterval parameter in the /opt/napatech3/config/ntservice.ini file as shown in the following example.
StatInterval = 100
See DN-0449 for more information about the StatInterval parameter in the ntservice.ini file.
Note: Statistics of the flow manager can be monitored using the monitoring tool.