IP fragment handling migration
The IP fragment handling function works in the same way in the Link-Capture™ Software 12.8 release as in the Green Bay 2 release, except that inner fragments are handled by the filtering functionality for 4GA SmartNICs in the Link-Capture™ Software 12.8 release and not by the IPFMode command as in the Green Bay 2 release.
Green Bay 2
- None: When possible fragments are transferred to the same matched fragments stream as the corresponding first fragment. This is the default setting.
- Outer: All packets that are fragmented at the outer level are sent to an unmatched fragments stream.
- All: All fragmented packets are sent to an unmatched fragments stream. This can be used to deal with packets that are fragmented at the inner level, as these are not otherwise supported by the IP fragment handling.
Link-Capture™ Software 12.8
- None: When possible fragments are transferred to the same matched fragments stream as the corresponding first fragment. This is the default setting.
- Outer: All packets that are fragmented at the outer level are sent to an unmatched fragments stream.
Inner-fragmented packets for 4GA SmartNICs
Inner-fragmented packets can also be dealt with for 4GA SmartNICs in Link-Capture™ Software 12.8. However, it must be done using the Assign command instead of the IPFMode command. Example:
Define fragHashv4 = Hash(HashWord0_3=InnerLayer3Header[12]/32, \\ HashWord4_7=InnerLayer3Header[16]/32, HashWord8=InnerIdentificationField[0]/16, \\ HashWordP=InnerIpProtocol) Define fragHashv6 = Hash(HashWord0_3=InnerLayer3Header[8]/128, \\ HashWord4_7=InnerLayer3Header[24]/128, HashWord8=InnerIdentificationField[0]/32) Assign[StreamId=(0..3); Hash=fragHashv4] = InnerLayer3Protocol == IPv4 \\ AND InnerFragment == First, Middle, Last Assign[StreamId=(0..3); Hash=fragHashv6] = InnerLayer3Protocol == IPv6 \\ AND InnerFragment == First, Middle, Last
These NTPL expressions cause all inner-fragmented packets to be distributed to streams 0 - 3. A hash recipe is used in each Assign expression to distribute the packets based on the following inner IPv4 and IPv6 fields:
- Source address
- Destination address
- Identification
- Protocol ID (IPv4 only)