In this section
This section describes a change to the NT_INLINE functions in the include/ntapi/stream_net.h file.
The size parameter has changed from an uint32_t type in Green Bay 2 to an uint64_t type for 4GA SmartNICs in Link-Capture™ Software 12.8 to accommodate for the larger segment size.
The segLength parameter has changed from an uint32_t type in Green Bay 2 to an uint64_t type for 4GA SmartNICs in Link-Capture™ Software 12.8 to accommodate for the larger segment size.
The size parameter has changed from an uint32_t type in Green Bay 2 to an uint64_t type for 4GA SmartNICs in Link-Capture™ Software 12.8 to accommodate for the larger segment size.
Changed examples
- examples/net/capture/capture_example.c
- examples/net/transmitSegment/transmitSegment_example.c
Changed tools
- tools/capture/capture.c
- tools/diagnostics/diagnostics.c
- tools/pktgen/pktgen.c
- tools/replay/replay.c
Due to the changes application code will need to be recompiled, and tools/applications from earlier driver releases will no longer work.