Hardware platforms
The Huntington Beach 3 release applies to these hardware platforms:
- NT200A01 analysis accelerators (4GA)
- NT200C01 analysis accelerators (4GA)
- NT100E3-1-PTP analysis accelerators (3GA and 4GA)
- NT80E3-2-PTP analysis accelerators (4GA)
- NT40A01 analysis accelerators (4GA)
- NT40E3-4-PTP analysis accelerators (3GA and 4GA)
- NT20E3-2-PTP analysis accelerators (3GA and 4GA)
- NT40E2-1 analysis accelerators (3GA)
- NT40E2-4 capture and in-line accelerators (3GA)
- NT20E2 capture and in-line accelerators (3GA)
- NT20E2-PTP analysis accelerators (3GA)
- NT4E2-4-PTP analysis accelerators (3GA)
- NT4E capture and in-line accelerators (3GA)
- NT4E-STD capture accelerators (3GA)
Operating systems
The Huntington Beach 3 release supports:
- Linux kernel 3.0 to 3.19 and 4.3 to 4.11, 64-bit
- Windows Server 2016, 64-bit
Feature sets
The Huntington Beach 3 release corresponds to these feature sets:
- 4GA:
- N-ANL10 for the NT200A01-2×100/40, NT200A01-2×100, NT200A01-2×40, NT200C01-2×100, NT100E3-1-PTP, NT80E3-2-PTP, NT40A01-4×10/1-SLB (NEW), NT40E3-4-PTP, NT20E3-2-PTP and NT40A01-4×1 analysis accelerators
- 3GA:
- N-ANL3A for the NT100E3-1-PTP, NT40E3-4-PTP and NT20E3-2-PTP analysis accelerators
- N-ANL3 for the NT40E2-1 analysis accelerators
- N-ANL2 for the NT20E2-PTP and NT4E2-4-PTP analysis accelerators
- N-CAP16 for the NT40E2-4 and NT20E2 capture accelerators
- N-CAP12A for the NT4E capture accelerators
- N-INL8 for the NT40E2-4 and NT20E2 in-line accelerators
- N-INL4A for the NT4E in-line accelerators
- S-CAP2 for the NT4E-STD capture accelerators
Note: The inline profile is not supported in Huntington Beach 3.
The main features of the N-ANL10 feature set are listed in Feature Set N-ANL10.
New features
These features are new in feature set N-ANL10:
- Host-based transmission based on time stamp, enabling replay of traffic as captured (not for NT200A01-2×100 running on the capture image)
- Replay of PCAP files (not for NT200A01-2×100 running on the capture image)
- Local retransmission (not for NT200A01-2×100 nor NT200A01-2×100/40 running at 2 × 100 Gbit/s)
- Local retransmission with embedded time stamp (not for NT200A01-2×100 nor NT200A01-2×100/40 running at 2 × 100 Gbit/s)
- Combined host-based transmission and local retransmission (not for NT200A01-2×100 nor NT200A01-2×100/40 running at 2 × 100 Gbit/s)
- Socket load-balancing (NT40A01-4×10/1-SLB only)
Napatech Software Suite features
The general features of Napatech Software Suite are described in Napatech Software Suite Features.
Product packages
The Huntington Beach 3 release consists of these product packages:
- ntanl_package_3gd_linux_10.0.x
- ntanl_package_3gd_windows_10.0.x
The product packages include FPGA images (with imgctrl tool for upgrading), Napatech Software Suite, tools packages, libpcap/WinPcap and documentation. The software components are described in Software.
Included documents
The Huntington Beach 3 release includes these
Note: All of these documents are not necessarily included in each product
Note: The documents relevant for Napatech
3GA accelerators can be found on support.napatech.com (Support Center).
- Napatech, NT 4GA Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Getting Started, Overview Document, DN-0931 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, Using the Napatech Support Center, User Guide, DN-0316
- Napatech, Huntington Beach 3, Release Summary, DN-1106 (NEW)
- Napatech, Napatech Software Suite, From Green Bay 2 to Huntington Beach 3, Migration Document, DN-1109 (NEW)
- Napatech, Napatech Software Suite, From Huntington Beach 2 to Huntington Beach 3, Migration Document, DN-1107 (NEW)
- Napatech, NT200A01-SCC, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-1016 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT200A01-NEBS, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-1017 (UPDATED))
- Napatech, NT100E3-1-PTP and NT200C01-SCC, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0848 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT100E3-1-PTP-NEBS and NT200C01-NEBS, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0896 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT80E3-2-PTP, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0980 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT80E3-2-PTP-NEBS, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0981 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT40A01-SCC, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0954 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT40A01-NEBS, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0955 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT40E3-4-PTP, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0797 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT40E3-4-PTP-NEBS, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0897 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT20E3-2-PTP, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0904 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT20E3-2-PTP-NEBS, Installation and Specifications, Hardware Installation Guide, DN-0905 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Software Installation for Linux, Software Installation Guide, DN-0379 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite and WinPcap, 4GA Software Installation for Windows, Software Installation Guide, DN-1067 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, libpcap Installation, Software Installation Guide, DN-0428 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT 4GA Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Software Architecture, Overview Document, DN-0810 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, Napatech Software Suite, Reference Documentation, DN-0449 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT 4GA Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Time-Stamping and Time Synchronization, User Guide, DN-0985 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT 4GA Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Statistics, User Guide, DN-0986 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT 4GA Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Multi-CPU Distribution, User Guide, DN-0988 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT Accelerators, Handling FPGA Images, User Guide, DN-0487 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Basic Troubleshooting, User Guide, DN-0737 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, Napatech Software Suite, Running Snort, Application Note, DN-0666
- Napatech, Napatech Software Suite, Opening Multiple Network Streams as One, Application Note, DN-0740
- Napatech, NT Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Qualifying, Fine-Tuning and Troubleshooting Time Synchronization, Application Note, DN-0793 (UPDATED)
- Napatech, NT 4GA Accelerators with Napatech Software Suite, Feature Set N-ANL10, Feature Description, DN-1108 (NEW)