Transmit Rate Limit Configuration

NT100A01 4 × 10/1 Gbit/s Reducing Transmit Path Delay Variations

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Application Note
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.7

Using the config tool

Using the config tool, apply the --tx_port_rate_limit option with a numeric value per port. Without a unit, the value is interpreted as bit/s. A unit can be appended to the value. The units b, K, M and G work as ×1, ×1.000, ×1.000.000 and × multipliers. With the unit %, a value in the range 1 to 100 is interpreted as a percentage of the link speed. as below. See command examples below.
# Setting the transmit port rate limit to 1G on port 3
/opt/napatech3/bin/config --cmd set --port 3 --tx_port_rate_limit 1G
# Setting the transmit port rate limit to 10G on port 3
/opt/napatech3/bin/config --cmd set --port 0 --tx_port_rate_limit 10G


Using NTAPI, the transmit rate limit can be configured per port using the NT_ConfigWrite function with the NT_CONFIG_PARM_PORT_SETTINGS_V2 parameter and the NtPortSettings_v2_s structure. Set NtPortSettings_v2_s.txPortRateLimit to the desired limit in bit/s (see DN-0449). A value in the range 1 to 100 is interpreted as a percentage of the link speed.