WinPcap-NT Types of Installation

Napatech Link-Capture™ Software and WinPcap-NT Installation Guide for Windows

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Software Installation Guide
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.12

The WinPcap-NT installer offers these types of installation:

Type of installation Description Equivalent Command-Line Options
Full Installs all components. /ALL = /EXAMPLES /DOCS /SRCS
Typical Installs WinPcap Binaries and WinPcap API. This is the default setting. No options set
Minimal Installs only WinPcap Binaries. /NODEV
Docs only Installs only WinPcap Documentation. /DOCSONLY = /NOBIN /NODEV /DOCS
Custom Installs any other combination of component options. Any other combination of component options.
WinPcap Binaries Installs only WinPcap Binaries. /NODEV
WinPcap Dev. Pack Installs only WinPcap API and -WinPcap Examples. /NOBIN /EXAMPLES
WinPcap API Installs only WinPcap API. /NOBIN
WinPcap Source Code Installs only WinPcap Source Code. /NOBIN /NODEV /SRCS