Running TRex with Napatech SmartNICs

Running Open-Source Libraries and Applications with Napatech SmartNICs

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Application Note
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.11

Configure Napatech SmartNICs for optimal performance of TRex.

About this task

This procedure describes a configuration example of Napatech SmartNICs and TRex to obtain optimal performance.


  1. Modify the /opt/napatech3/config/ntservice.ini file. The Napatech driver uses host buffers to receive and transmit data. The Napatech driver is configured using the ntservice.ini file. The following shows the default host buffer configuration.
    NumaNode = -1
    HostBuffersRx = [4,16,-1]
    HostBuffersTx = [4,16,-1]
    Four 16 MB host buffers for both RX and TX are configured on the NUMA node taken from the NumaNode value. NUMAnode = -1 means that driver attempts to determine the SmartNIC NUMA node location. The number of host buffers must be equal to or larger than the number of CPU cores/threads used by TRex. In the following example the number of host buffers for RX and TX is set to 32.
    HostBuffersRx = [32,16,-1]
    HostBuffersTx = [32,16,-1]
    In addition, apply the following changes to the /opt/napatech3/config/ntservice.ini file.
    # Set statistics interval 1 milliseconds.
    # All pending TX packets are canceled when TX streams are closed.
    # The port mask value is a bit mask.  
    # 1 for port 0, 3 for port 0 1,F for port 0 1 2 3.
    CancelTxOnCloseMask = 3
    # Set host buffer refresh interval to 50 microseconds.
    HostBufferRefreshIntervalTx = 50
    See DN-0449 for more information about the configuration parameters in the /opt/napatech3/config/ntservice.ini file.
  2. Stop and restart ntservice after changes are made in the ntservice.ini file as shown in the following example.
  3. Adjust the NUMA node and the CPU cores in the /etc/trex_cfg.yaml file according to the target system setup. In the following configuration example, NUMA node is set to 0, and 18 CPU cores on NUMA node 0 are specified.
    ### Config file generated by ###
    - version: 2
      interfaces: ['03:00.0/0', '03:00.0/1']
          - dest_mac: 00:0d:e9:07:9d:18 # MAC OF LOOPBACK TO IT'S DUAL INTERFACE
            src_mac:  00:0d:e9:07:9d:17
          - dest_mac: 00:0d:e9:07:9d:17 # MAC OF LOOPBACK TO IT'S DUAL INTERFACE
            src_mac:  00:0d:e9:07:9d:18
          master_thread_id: 0
          latency_thread_id: 38
            - socket: 0
              threads: [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36]
    Note: Use the lscpu command to determine the mapping of CPUs to NUMA nodes.
    #  lscpu | grep NUMA
    NUMA node(s):          2
    NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38
    NUMA node1 CPU(s):     1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39
  4. Run TRex. The following command example runs TRex in stateless mode using 12 CPU cores/threads. Adjust the number of CPU cores to improve performance.
    ./t-rex-64 -i -c 12
  5. Start trex-console in the new terminal.
    An output example:
    Using 'python' as Python interpreter
    Connecting to RPC server on localhost:4501                   [SUCCESS]
    Connecting to publisher server on localhost:4500             [SUCCESS]
    Acquiring ports [0, 1]:                                      [SUCCESS]
    Server Info:
    Server version:   v2.71 @ STL
    Server mode:      Stateless
    Server CPU:       11 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz
    Ports count:      2 x 100Gbps @ NT200A02 Network Adapter
    -=TRex Console v3.0=-
    Type 'help' or '?' for supported actions
  6. Start generating traffic as shown in the following trex-console command example.
    trex>start -p 0 1 -m 99.9% -f stl/ -t size=1514
    An output example:
    Removing all streams from port(s) [0._]:                     [SUCCESS]
    Attaching 1 streams to port(s) [0._]:                        [SUCCESS]
    Starting traffic on port(s) [0._]:                           [SUCCESS]
    31.18 [ms]
  7. The first terminal will show the statistics related to the currently generated traffic.
    An output example:
    -Per port stats table
          ports |               0 |   (link DOWN) 1
       opackets |      2671171951 |               0
         obytes |   4044154333814 |               0
       ipackets |      2671173459 |               0
         ibytes |   4044156660414 |               0
        ierrors |               0 |               0
        oerrors |               0 |               0
          Tx Bw |      98.51 Gbps |       0.00  bps
    -Global stats enabled
     Cpu Utilization : 17.3  %  103.4 Gb/core
     Platform_factor : 1.0
     Total-Tx        :      98.51 Gbps
     Total-Rx        :      98.51 Gbps
     Total-PPS       :       8.13 Mpps
     Total-CPS       :       0.00  cps
     Expected-PPS    :       0.00  pps
     Expected-CPS    :       0.00  cps
     Expected-BPS    :       0.00  bps
     Active-flows    :        0  Clients :     0   Socket-util : 0.0000 %
     Open-flows      :        0  Servers :     0   Socket :        0 Socket/Clients :  -nan
     Total_queue_full : 1668795616
     drop-rate       :       0.00  bps
     current time    : 817.6 sec
     test duration   : 0.0 sec
  8. More statistics can be displayed on trex-console using the tui command.
    An output example:
    Global Statistics
    connection   : localhost, Port 4501                  total_tx_L2  : 98.53 Gb/sec
    version      : STL @ v2.71                           total_tx_L1  : 99.83 Gb/sec
    cpu_util.    : 15.29% @ 12 cores (12 per dual port)    total_rx     : 98.53 Gb/sec
    rx_cpu_util. : 0.0% / 0 pkt/sec                      total_pps    : 8.11 Mpkt/sec
    async_util.  : 0.06% / 1.24 KB/sec                   drop_rate    : 0 b/sec
    total_cps.   : 0 cps/sec                             queue_full   : 0 pkts
    Port Statistics
       port    |         0         |         1         |       total
    owner      |              root |              root |
    link       |                UP |              DOWN |
    state      |      TRANSMITTING |              IDLE |
    speed      |          100 Gb/s |            1 Gb/s |
    CPU util.  |            15.29% |              0.0% |
    --         |                   |                   |
    Tx bps L2  |        98.53 Gbps |             0 bps |        98.53 Gbps
    Tx bps L1  |        99.83 Gbps |             0 bps |        99.83 Gbps
    Tx pps     |         8.11 Mpps |             0 pps |         8.11 Mpps
    Line Util. |           99.83 % |               0 % |
    ---        |                   |                   |
    Rx bps     |        98.53 Gbps |             0 bps |        98.53 Gbps
    Rx pps     |         8.11 Mpps |             0 pps |         8.11 Mpps
    ----       |                   |                   |
    opackets   |        4173272792 |                 0 |        4173272792
    ipackets   |        4173273453 |                 0 |        4173273453
    obytes     |      500186876910 |                 0 |      500186876910
    ibytes     |      500187922358 |                 0 |      500187922358
    tx-pkts    |        4.17 Gpkts |            0 pkts |        4.17 Gpkts
    rx-pkts    |        4.17 Gpkts |            0 pkts |        4.17 Gpkts
    tx-bytes   |         500.19 GB |               0 B |         500.19 GB
    rx-bytes   |         500.19 GB |               0 B |         500.19 GB
    -----      |                   |                   |
    oerrors    |                 0 |                 0 |                 0
    ierrors    |                 0 |                 0 |                 0
    status:  -
    Press 'ESC' for navigation panel...
  9. Start the monitoring tool for performance monitoring. See SmartNIC Performance Monitoring.