Connect with the Napatech Support Community

Using the Napatech Support Portal

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User Guide

You can ask questions and share information with other Napatech customers using the Napatech Support Community forum.

Access to the Napatech Support Community

Access the Napatech Support Community either by clicking Support community from the Support Portal home page or use this URL:

Napatech Support Community forum front page
You need to create a new user profile to access the forum.
  1. Sign up to the forum by clicking SIGN UP.
  2. Enter your email address, a user name and create a password. Repeat the password and click Sign up.
  3. You will receive an email registering your account. Click the link to confirm your email address.
  4. You will receive another email confirming full access to the Napatech Support Community. You can now sign in, and ask and answer questions on the forum.
    Note: Remember not to share confidential information, as anything you post can be seen by the Napatech community.

Ask a question or post an answer

Click ASK A QUESTION to post a new question, assign a category and an optional tag. Click SUBMIT QUESTION to publish the question.

You can view all questions from the Questions menu item, or by using the search field, and click a question that you are interested in. Respond to the question by scrolling to the Your Answer section, type your answer and click Post answer.

Other Napatech Support Community features

Menu options to ask a question, or see tags, badges, categories and users

Badges: You earn points every time you create a question or are voted on by other members (for example, when an question or answer is voted as positive), and you earn badges the more points that you receive. The higher your badge, the more privileges you receive on the forum. You can see your badges in the Badges menu item.

Use the other menu items to see Tags, Categories and Users of the forum.

There are links to useful resources on the right hand menu of the forum.

Click your name from the top toolbar, to edit your profile information.