User-Application Container

Link-Inline™ Software User Guide

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
User Guide
Capture Software Version
Link-Inline™ Software 3.2

A user application can establish connections with multiple virtual functions, and one virtual function can be connected to a single application only. The Napatech SmartNIC running Link-Inline™ Software supports a maximum of 128 virtual functions.

Patched virtio PMD

The user application running on virtual functions must use the standard DPDK virtio PMD with the Napatech patch. This patch enhances support for hardware offloading features of the DPDK rte_flow API.

See Kubernetes architecture with the Napatech SmartNIC running Link-Inline™ Software and Configuring flows in a user-application container.

Configuring default flows

Default flows must be configured in the user application ensuring received frames are forwarded from the SmartNIC to each virtual function. For the code example how to configure default flows, see the forward.c file in the following directory of the Napatech Link-Inline™ Software package.
where version is the version identifier of the corresponding package.
The forward.c example illustrates how the IPv4 and IPv6 types are configured as default flows.
  • Group 0 is used to filter IPv4 traffic using the RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV4 pattern, and RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_JUMP is included to jump to group 1.
  • Group 0 is used to filter IPv6 traffic using the RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV6 pattern, and RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_JUMP is included to jump to group 2.
When IP traffic is delivered to the user application via each virtual function, group 1 is used for IPv4 flows and group 2 is used for IPv6 flows for offloading to the SmartNIC. See Flow configuration for offloading.

If default flows are not configured, received frames are discarded in the SmartNIC or delivered to the ntmain application using the exception_path=1 option. See Handling non-matched frames.

Flow configuration for offloading

When received frames are delivered to the user application via each virtual function, the user application can configure the SmartNIC with new flow rules if hardware offload is required. The user application uses the DPDK rte_flow API for configuring these flows. See Configuring flows in a user-application container.

For the code example how to configure flows for offloading, see the filter.c file in the following directory of the Napatech Link-Inline™ Software package.
where version is the version identifier of the corresponding package.

The filter.c example shows how group 1 is used for IPv4 flows, and group 2 is used for IPv6 flows. IP and UDP/TCP/SCTP/ICMP headers are used for defining flows. After the SmartNIC is configured with new flows, received frames that are matched the learned flows are transmitted on the specified port without being delivered to the host.

Mandatory DPDK EAL command-line parameters

In a user application, DPDK EAL command-line parameters can be used to control various aspects of the user application's behavior, memory usage or core affinity as required. The following options are mandatory.
  • --file-prefix: Specifies a prefix for all files created by DPDK, such as shared memory files, log files, and statistics files. This option is required to ensure uniqueness when multiple DPDK applications are running on the same system. It's helpful for identifying which DPDK application instance is generating the logs.
  • --no-pci: Configures DPDK not to use any physical PCIe devices as the user application uses virtio interfaces.

For a list of available EAL command-line parameters, see

--vdev options

In a user application, the --vdev option is used to select and start the virtio PMD.
where number represents the instance number of the virtio PMD. Each instance of the virtio PMD handles one virtual function. Consequently, if multiple virtual functions are connected to the user-application pod, multiple instances of the virtio PMD must run. The number for the first instance is 0, and it increments for the subsequent instances. For example:
Note: Multiple user applications can have the same number as it is used only within the application when the application creates multiple instances. For instance, one instance for port 0 is virtio_user0 and another for port 1 is virtio_user1.
The following parameters must be added to the --vdev option.
  • path=<socket_if>: Specifies the vHost socket file directory.
    • If the shared vHost-user socket directory is used, set as follows:
      where VF_number is the virtual function. The VF_number for the first virtual function is 4, and it increments for the subsequent virtual functions. For example:
    • If a separated directory is used, set as follows:
      For example:
    For information on the vHost-user socket directory options, see Shared/separated socket directory.
  • server=1: The virtio PMD / vHost must run as a server.
  • mac=<mac_address>: Specifies the MAC address for the virtual function. The MAC address of the first virtual function can be configured using the vfMacStart parameter in the ntdevplugin.yaml file.
  • packed_vq=1: Only packed virtqueue is supported.
  • queues=<number_of_queues>: Specifies the number of queues for RSS. It is set to 1 by default using the vfNumberOfQueues parameter in the ntdevplugin.yaml file.
These parameters are configured in the ConfigMap (the ntdevplugin.yaml file) and are passed to the user-application containers as environment variables. For more information on the supported parameters in the ntdevplugin.yaml file, see ConfigMap.

Receive side scaling (RSS)

RSS can be enabled in the application using rte_flow. Additionally, the user applications should include a command line parameter to pass the number of queues which has been specified in the main-app container. The parameter is then used to initialize the specified number of queues.

See the following links.

Accessing the SmartNIC in Kubernetes

The application pod must request resources to the Napatech device plugin by adding parameters to the manifest file. For example:
            hugepages-1Gi: 2Gi
            memory: 2Gi
See manifest file examples for demo application pods included in the following directory of the Napatech Link-Inline™ Software package.
where version is the version identifier of the corresponding package.

Environment variables in a user-application container

After virtual functions are allocated, the Napatech device plugin creates environment variables in a user-application container. This table shows environment variables that are set by the Napatech device plugin in user-application containers.

Environment variable Description
NT_VF_NUM Allocated virtual function list. For example, 4 5 6 7.
NT_VF_QUEUES Number of queues to be configured per virtual function. For example, 3.
NT_VF_DEV PCI ID list for all allocated virtual functions. For example, 0000:65:00.4 0000:65:00.5.
NT_VF_MAC MAC address list for all allocated virtual functions. For example, 02:11:22:33:44:01 02:11:22:33:44:02.
NT_VF_VLAN VLAN ID list for all configured virtual functions. For example, 44 45.
NT_VF_SOCKET Socket list for all configured virtual functions. For example, /usr/local/var/run/stdvio4/stdvio4 /usr/local/var/run/stdvio5/stdvio5.
NT_DPDK_PREFIX Unique DPDK prefix to avoid clash with other DPDK based applications For example, nt-container4.

Mounting host directories

The Napatech device plugin mounts the following host directories on the user-application container.
Directories on the host Mounted directories on the main-app container
/var/run/ntconnect /var/run/ntconnect
/usr/local/var/run/stdvio4 /usr/local/var/run/stdvio4
/usr/local/var/run/stdvio5 /usr/local/var/run/stdvio5
As the sep=1 option is used, each vHost-user socket file is placed in its individual directory. For information on the vHost-user socket directory options, see Shared/separated socket directory.
The Napatech device plugin also mounts the following host device files on the user-application container.
Host path Pod path
/dev/vfio/vfio /dev/vfio/vfio
/dev/vfio/<VF_group_number> /dev/vfio/<group_number>
where VF_group_number is the IOMMU group number for the vfio device of the assigned virtual functions.

Configuring the application manifest file

The following parameters in the manifest file are supported to allocate the physical function and the number of virtual functions.
  • 1: The physical function can be allocated to only one container. The target container will receive information about the physical function's PCI bus ID as well as details regarding all configured virtual functions.
  • <number_of_vf>: number_of_vf specifies the number of virtual functions per container. The specified number of virtual functions can be allocated to multiple containers. If the requested number of virtual functions is not available, then the container will remain in a pending state. The valid value range is 1 to 128.
The following manifest snippet shows how to define an application container in a Kubernetes application pod.
      - name: forward
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        command: ["/opt/kubernetes/"]
            hugepages-1Gi: 2Gi
            memory: 512Mi
        - name: hugepage
          mountPath: /hugepages
      - name: hugepage
          medium: HugePages
Using this manifest file, 2 virtual functions are requested for the container.
The provided manifest files of demo applications can be found in the following directory.
where version is the version identifier of the corresponding package.

Startup script

This script example can be used to start the forward application with the 2 request in the manifest file.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# prepare dpdk vdev configuration for allocated virtual functions
for i in ${!NT_VF_MAC_ARRAY[@]}; do
        APP_VDEV="$APP_VDEV \
        # remove old socket
        rm -f ${NT_VF_SOCKET_ARRAY[$i]}

# Execute app
dpdk-forward -c 0xfff0 -n 4 --no-pci ${APP_VDEV} --file-prefix=${NT_DPDK_PREFIX} -- -i 0 -e 1 -q ${NT_VF_QUEUES}