Correlate Color Counters and Stream ID Counters

Napatech Link-Capture™ Software Features

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Feature Description
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.12

About this task

Color counters and stream ID counters are not necessarily correlated. For instance an application that opens an existing stream ID with traffic assigned will not have correlated counters. To ensure that color counters and stream ID counters are correlated, follow these steps:


  1. Delete the filters using the NTPL Delete command (see DN-0449).
  2. Deactivate the stream ID using the NTPL Setup command.
  3. Reset the statistics counters using the NT_StatOpen and NT_StatRead functions (see DN-0449).
  4. Open the stream ID using the NT_NetRxOpen function.
  5. Assign traffic using NTPL Assign command.
  6. Activate the stream ID using the NTPL Setup command.
  7. Flush the SDRAM by discarding packets from before the stream ID was deactivated using the NT_NetGetNextPacket function.