Fragmentation Information from Extended Descriptor Macros

Napatech Link-Capture™ Software Features

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Feature Description
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.11

Fragmentation information from extended packet descriptor RX macros

This information relevant to IP fragmentation can be retrieved from extended packet descriptor 9 using HAL macros:

  • If the packet is an IP first fragment (NT_NET_GET_PKT_L3_FIRST_FRAG macro).
  • If the packet is part of a fragmented datagram (NT_NET_GET_PKT_L3_FRAGMENTED macro).
  • If there is an IPv6 fragment header present (NT_NET_GET_PKT_IPV6_FR_HEADER macro).
  • If the packet is an IP last fragment (NT_NET_GET_PKT_IPF_LAST_FRAGMENT macro).
    Note: NT_NET_GET_PKT_IPF_LAST_FRAGMENT is only valid when IP fragment handling is enabled.
  • If no entry is allocated in the datagram lookup table for the fragmented datagram (NT_NET_GET_PKT_IPF_UNMATCHED_FLAG macro).
    Note: NT_NET_GET_PKT_IPF_UNMATCHED_FLAG is only valid when IP fragment handling is enabled.
  • The No. of the stream containing the unmatched fragments for the datagram in question (NT_NET_GET_PKT_IPF_UNMATCHED_STREAMID macro).
    Note: NT_NET_GET_PKT_IPF_UNMATCHED_STREAMID is only valid when IP fragment handling is enabled.