Hash Key Type 20: Inner 5-Tuple

Napatech Link-Capture™ Software Features

Napatech SmartNIC
Content Type
Feature Description
Capture Software Version
Link™ Capture Software 12.11

Hash key data

Hash key type 20 is an inner 5-tuple where the hash key data is the contents of these packet header fields:

  • Inner 32-bit IPv4 / 128-bit IPv6 source address
  • Inner 32-bit IPv4 / 128-bit IPv6 destination address
  • Inner 16-bit UDP, TCP or SCTP source port number
  • Inner 16-bit UDP, TCP or SCTP destination port number
  • Inner 8-bit IPv4/IPv6 protocol number / next header

The hash key data for hash key type 20 is the same as for hash key type 8 (see Hash Key Type 8: 5-Tuple) except that the IPv4/IPv6 datagram resides in a tunnel (refer to Tunnel Type Classification for supported tunnel types).


Hash key type 20 is valid for frames containing an inner IPv4 packet or an inner IPv6 packet with a UDP, a TCP or an SCTP packet as payload.